
a logger application based on ASP.NET Core WebApi via RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus and etc

Primary LanguageC#

ASP.NET Core WebApi Logger v1.0

a WebApi Logger based on ASP.NET Core, which can tracking asp.net core webapi request/response in a winform application via RabbitMQ

Supported Message Queue

  • RabbitMQ
  • Azure Service Bus(Release in 2.0 version)

How to configure the host?

  1. You need to add the reference for WebApiLogger.Core and WebApiLogger.Host
  2. Register the ILoggerData in the DI and load the config
services.AddScoped<ILoggerData, LoggerData>();
  1. Use the LoggerMiddleware
	public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

        if (env.IsDevelopment())


How to configre the client?