
picks a few muni routes/stops we care about and dumps them into our house event database

Primary LanguageRuby


picks a few muni routes/stops we care about and dumps them into our house event database.

muniPoller.rb was called from cron and webhooked into our house Jut install. RIP Jut.io

muniExporter is a prometheus exporter for getting muni data from a few routes we care about so we can encourage people to move and not miss buses.

I've been deploying it via docker. Just:

build: docker build -t lamont/muni_exporter .
push: docker push lamont/muni_exporter

(then on a docker host:)

pull: docker pull lamont/muni_exporter
run: docker run  -p 5000:5000 --name muni_exporter lamont/muni_exporter

I just picked port 5000 now, if I ever extend this to alternate routes I'll register a real prometheus port number

I've added the grafana dashboard I use as a json file, muni_grafana_dashboard.json and included a shot of the board in action:

![muni dashboard](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lamont/muni_prediction_tracker/master/Muni Dashboard in Grafana.png)