
PHP wrapper for the League of Legends APi.

Primary LanguagePHP

League of Legends API wrapper in PHP

Version 0.1.1


A simple PHP wrapper for League of legends API.

How to Install

Require the package with composer:

composer require lpphan/riot-api

Example usage

use Lpphan\RiotApi;

// Load up the API
$api = new RiotApi($apiKey);  

// Load up the summoner api object.          				
$summoner = $api->summonerApi();    

// Get the information about this user, this will return an Lpphan\Response object					
$response  = $summoner->getSummonerByNames($arrayOfSummonerName);    

$info = $response->getBody();


You can set the region that you wish to query. By default it is 'na' but it can be changed.

use Lpphan\RiotApi;
use Lpphan\Regions;

// Load up the API
$api = new RiotApi($apiKey);

$summoner = $api->summonerApi();


By default, the cache requires memcached to be installed and operating on default port and localhost.

use Lpphan\RiotApi;

$api = new RiotApi($apiKey);         				
$summoner = $api->summonerApi();    
//Cache this response for 5 minutes
$response = $summoner->getSummonerByNames(['summonerName'])->remember(5);

//or use this

The cache can be changed by implement your own version of Lpphan\CacheInterface;

use Lpphan\RiotApi;

//set custom cache
$api = new RiotApi($apiKey,$cacheProvider);

//or use this

Exceptions handling

use Lpphan\RiotApi;

$api = new RiotApi($apiKey);
$summoner = $api->summonerApi();

	$response = $summoner->getSummonerByNames(['summonerName']);
}catch (Lpphan\Exception\Http404Exception $e){
	//throw when a 404 http error is found
}catch (Lpphan\Exception\Http429Exception $e){
        //Rate limit exceeded
        //Should retry after
        $seconds = $e->retryAfter();
}catch (Lpphan\Exception\HttpException $e){
	//throw for all http error

//Todo : add doc