
Multilingual bert retrained on news + squad2 for vietnamese

BERT for Vietnamese

"The brain doesn't have to model the world. The world is its own model." — Hubert Dreyfus (Berkeley Philosopher)

We published the BERT(Multilingual) finetuned for vietnamese as described here:

  1. Initialized from BERT-Base, Multilingual Cased (New, recommended): 104 languages, 12-layer, 768-hidden, 12-heads, 110M parameters
  2. Pretrained using 110K wordpiece vocab, on 500M+ words of vietnamese news (We don't release this dataset)
  3. Fine tuned on Squad2 to get the given checkpoint (step 16289)

You can download it here.

If it's helpful for you, please give it a star. We gonna release albert4vn ASAP. Keep in touch.

***** Eval results *****
global_step = 20000
loss = 0.8570036
masked_lm_accuracy = 0.7956194
masked_lm_loss = 0.8863622
next_sentence_accuracy = 0.98625
next_sentence_loss = 0.04267995

Zalo AI Challenge 2019



ALBERT for vietnamese



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