KNet is a Virtual Network Tobology builder, Primarily used as SDN Test Environment.
KNet builds the Virtual Network Topology with Switches, Nodes, Links. KNet uses Dockers for building the Nodes, openvswitch for switches.
KNet support QoS parameter configuration for the Links, such as bandwidth, latency, jitter and packetloss.
KNet supports the CLI and Web Interface.
Detailed Document is available in readthedocs
KNet can be installed on any Linux distributions. But we have tested only Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.
Minimum hardware configuration required is 4GB RAM, 2 Core processors. Higher configuration gives better result.
The following script installs the prerequisites in Ubuntu system.
curl | sh
KNet is developed in Python 2.7. I suggest to install it in VirtualEnv as below.
Create a Python Virtual environment
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
cd $HOME
virtualenv knet
. knet/bin/activate
Example output
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd $HOME
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ virtualenv knet
Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/bin/python2
New python executable in /home/ubuntu/knet/bin/python2
Also creating executable in /home/ubuntu/knet/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pkg_resources, pip, wheel...done.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ . knet/bin/activate
(knet) ubuntu@ubuntu:~$
Installing KNet
Install the KNet in the virtual environment as below
git clone
cd KNet
pip install --process-dependency-links .
Example Output:
(knet) ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'KNet'...
remote: Counting objects: 231, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (89/89), done.
remote: Total 231 (delta 135), reused 226 (delta 133), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (231/231), 718.91 KiB | 409.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (135/135), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
(knet) ubuntu@ubuntu:~$
(knet) ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd KNet/
(knet) ubuntu@ubuntu:~/KNet$ pip install --process-dependency-links .
Processing /home/ubuntu/KNet
Collecting six==1.11.0 (from KNet==1.0)
.....(output omitted)
(knet) ubuntu@ubuntu:~/KNet$
Congrats... Installation Completed.
Topology consists of Nodes, Switches, Links, QoS, Network Objects. Nodes are build as Docker Containers. Switches are openvswitch switches.
Topology input file
User should write Topology in YAML file. This Topology file will be input to the KNet for Topology Creation.
Example Topology files(linear,ring,mesh,parial mesh, tree) are available in examples folder.
KNet comes with simple CLI (Command Line Interface). It supports the following commands
To get the detailed help for a command
Help CreateTopology
UI (Web Interface)
KNet comes with Web Interface. Its used for Viewing the Topology. Configuration is NOT supported. This Web Interface displayes Topology in Graphical representation and reflects the topology changes.
Nodes are build as Docker Containers. ubuntu image is used as default Node image. The default management interface is available for this Node. Node is just a another real Ubuntu Machine. User can install any sofware (apache, mysql, traffic generator, etc) and use it.
docker commands can be used to control the nodes.
Openvswitch is used for building switches. openswitch commands can be used to debug the switches.
Cleanup Script
Cleanup script is included in the repo(
Suppose, you created topology and exit the cli without deleted the topology. The Topology footprints (docker containers, switches) exists in the system. So next time , topology creation may fail.
Its best practice before you start the KNet application, runs the cleanup script. It cleans all the docker nodes,openvswitches exists in your system.
Start the SDN Controller
ryu-manager --verbose apps/
Start the KNet UI
Run in the VirtualEnvironment,
cd $HOME/KNet
python ui/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Open the Browser with below URL to see the topology diagram
Run in the VirtualEnvironment,
Start the KNet CLI
- Start the CLI
cd $HOME/KNet
python python KNet/
- Create a Topology In the KNet cli prompt, use "CreateTopology" command to creates a topology.
KNet-cli#CreateTopology /home/ubuntu/KNet/examples/topo0.yaml
| Status | Name | Links | Switches | Controller | Nodes |
| Created | Simple Star T | [u'a1->switch1', u'a2->switch1', u'a3->s | ['switch1'] | tcp: | ['a1', 'a2', ' |
| | opology 1 | witch1', u'a4->switch1'] | | | a3', 'a4'] |
Now you can check the Topology Diagram in the UI http://localhost:5000/index.html.
Make sure, you delete the Topology "DeleteTopology" before you exit the shell.
****--------- Topology Deleted---------****
(knet) ubuntu@ubuntu:~/KNet$
- Dockers - The Docker Containers
- Openvswitch - Open vSwitch is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch
- Next UI Toolkit - NeXt UI is a Javascript/CSS framework for rendering Network Topology
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the file for details