A Clojure Wrapper to Mailgun API.
is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars
With Leiningen/Boot:
[clj-mailgun "0.2.0"]
The functionalities are provided by the clj-mailgun.core
First, require it in the REPL:
(require '[clj-mailgun.core :as mailgun])
Or in your application:
(ns my-app.core
(:require [clj-mailgun.core :as mailgun]))
Here's how to send a message using the library:
(defn example-of-send-email
(let [credentials {:api-key "YOUR_API_KEY" :domain "YOUR_DOMAIN"}
params {:from "FROM_EMAIL" :to "TO_EMAIL" :subject "YOUR_SUBJECT" :text "YOUR_TEXT"}]
(mailgun/send-email credentials params)))
Here's how to validate emails using the library:
(defn example-of-validate-email
(let [credentials {:api-key "YOUR_API_KEY"}
email "bubu@gmail.com"]
(mailgun/validate-email credentials email)))
Copyright © 2015 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.