
The game of lights out implemented in clojure

Primary LanguageClojure


Lights out is a simple puzzle game where the goal is to get all of the lights either on or off.

Toggling the light of a room on or off will also toggle the room’s adjacent neighbors on or off.


Since this game was written specifically for the terminal, and uses ansi terminal display colors and clearing, I somehow doubt it will work properly on a windows machine though I could be surprised.

It’s known to work on OS X 10.5 but will likely work on any ansi terminal.

Sometime in the future I may put a swing interface on it, but for now it was more fun to use escape sequences.


In order to build lights-out-clojure you will need the leiningen build tool.

If you don’t have it already, get it now. It rocks:

cd ~/bin
wget http://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/raw/stable/bin/lein
chmod +x lein
lein self-install

Build it

lein uberjar

Run it

java -jar lights-out-standalone.jar

Run the tests

lein test