
A theaters repository for my game server(EOL).

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL



A repository for game insurgency2, only theaters or base scripts files (EOL).

Some items require to subscribe to a specific workshop to make sure they all work regularly:

hmst_coop checkpoint theater v3.0.0: not required -workshop, only use in checkpoint mode.

hmst cocp theater v3XC series: required -workshop, only use in cooperative mode (PVE), required subscribe items: Moe Q Master server resources full:ID2785864868.

Issues & requests

see Issues . If any questions,create an Issue.


Source code base on game "Insrugency",© New World Interactive.All rights reserved.

Some scripts design also from:


The Armory: Expanded - 35 Angry Bots Version

中东维和 UN | 脚本包 Scripts

Inheriting their licenses. If there are anything wrong, please contact me first.

For those new code or changed what I made in this repository, use license WTFPL v2.

For particular,see LICENSE in this repository.


Mail to me: lamya3@qq.com, or find me in QQ group: 348955160, GLHF.

After EOL, Not entertained any update requests. You still can create an Issue to let me decide whether to deal with it.

2022/7/28 (CST): this repository move form gitee(It s**ks) to github, some issues maybe not clone to github's repository.


If this repository helped you, you can consider giving me a star, or buy me a coffee (donate).