
Online Store API that will help developers create online stores easily by using the functionalities provided by our API.

Primary LanguageJava

Online Store Api


this program is an api for an online store that will help developers create online stores easily by using the functionalities inside our api.


Must have MySql installed on your system in order to use the database



takes the user's input from the url like username,email,password,age,name,address and another admin's username and password when needed in order to be able to register as an admin.

    //url for admin registration
    "http://localhost:8080/user/add?    username=seaweed&password=12345678&email=salmaaaa@yahoo.com&name=salma&age=21&addedByUsername=alienska&addedByPassword=0987654321&type=2    "

Users can also register as a buyers ,

//url for buyer registration

or as store owners.

//url for store owner registration


takes input from user in the form of a url it takes username and password or email and password to allow an already registered user to log into the website and use the functionalities associated with its type.


a user is logged out from the system and another user can login

Show all users

can only be used while logged in and only when the user is an admin it shows all the users in the system.

used framework

we used springboot framework in order to build our online store api

included libraries

  • java.util.List

    • used to store user info during runtime and returning or printing it.
  • java.util.regex.Pattern

    • used for defining text patterns used in UserValidator class.
  • javax.persistence.Entity

    • to define an entity in the database
  • javax.persistence.JoinColumn

    • to join columns for referencing and entity association.
  • javax.persistence.ManyToOne

    • to make all admins have a reference to the admin that added them.
  • javax.validation.constraints.NotNull

    • to put a constraint on one of the attributes so that the user has to enter it.
  • org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository

    • Interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type. we use some of its functions to manipulate our data.
  • org.springframework.stereotype.Service

    • Indicates that an annotated class is a "Service" by using @service annotation
  • org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*

    • used for implementing web annotations such as @PostMapping and @GetMapping
  • org.springframework.stereotype.Controller

    • Indicates that an annotated class is a "Controller"