
AiiDA-VASP bulk modulus example

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status Docs status PyPI version


Bulk modulus workchain for AiiDA-VASP

This plugin is the default output of the AiiDA plugin cutter, intended to help developers get started with their AiiDA plugins.


  • Add input files using SinglefileData:

    SinglefileData = DataFactory('singlefile')
    inputs['file1'] = SinglefileData(file='/path/to/file1')
    inputs['file2'] = SinglefileData(file='/path/to/file2')
  • Specify command line options via a python dictionary and DiffParameters:

    d = { 'ignore-case': True }
    DiffParameters = DataFactory('vasp_bm')
    inputs['parameters'] = DiffParameters(dict=d)
  • DiffParameters dictionaries are validated using voluptuous. Find out about supported options:

    DiffParameters = DataFactory('vasp_bm')


pip install aiida-vasp-bm
verdi quicksetup  # better to set up a new profile
verdi plugin list aiida.calculations  # should now show your calclulation plugins


Here goes a complete example of how to submit a test calculation using this plugin.

A quick demo of how to submit a calculation:

verdi daemon start         # make sure the daemon is running
cd examples
verdi run submit.py        # submit test calculation
verdi process list -a  # check status of calculation

The plugin also includes verdi commands to inspect its data types:

verdi data vasp_bm list
verdi data vasp_bm export <PK>


git clone https://github.com/atztogo/aiida-vasp-bm .
cd aiida-vasp-bm
pip install -e .[pre-commit,testing]  # install extra dependencies
pre-commit install  # install pre-commit hooks
pytest -v  # discover and run all tests

See the developer guide for more information.



