
Azil [Shelter] | Android (Java) project | Mobile Application Development @ Virovitica University of Applied Sciences

Primary LanguageJava


Azil | Android (Java) projekt | Programiranje mobilnih aplikacija @ Veleučilište u Virovitici

Aplikacija koja će omogućiti jednostavnije i brže udomljavanje životinja te interakciju s azilom. -Listavanje životinja u azilu -Pregled stvari koje određeno sklonište treba (donacije). -Mogućnost logiranja za vlasnika azila i uređenja životinja u azilu -Dodavanje životinja - slika i opis životinje (Autor opisa aplikacije: Asistent na Veleučilištu)

Radi s Firebase Autentikacijom, Firebase Bazom podataka (Link: https://azil-7bdf6-default-rtdb.europe-west1.firebasedatabase.app/) i Firebase Skladištem (Putanja: gs://azil-7bdf6.appspot.com)

Azil [Shelter] | Android (Java) project | Mobile Application Development @ Virovitica University of Applied Sciences

An application that will enable easier and faster adoption and interaction with a shelter. -Listing of animals in the shelter -An overview of the things that a particular shelter needs (donations) -Possibility of logging in for the owner of the shelter and editing the animals in the shelter -Adding animals - picture and description of the animal (Author of the app description: Assistant professor at the University)

Works with Firebase Authentication, Firebase Realtime Database (Reference URL: https://azil-7bdf6-default-rtdb.europe-west1.firebasedatabase.app/) and Firebase Storage (Folder Path: gs://azil-7bdf6.appspot.com)