
A system built on Kraken.js. Instead of directly using the project structure of Kraken.js, some small change is applied so as to make the project more modulized and easier to manage.


  • This example requires that MongoDB is installed and running on it's default port.
  • You will -- of course -- need Node (Version >= 0.10.22 preferred)


$ git clone git@github.com:lance-r17/logistic.git
$ cd logistic
$ npm install
$ npm start


  • Use of mongodb for storing product information
  • Localized content (en-US or es-ES)
  • Usage of bundalo for localized messages with model data


Pre-requisite: An instance of MongoDB installed and running on its default port.

config changes (config.json):

"databaseConfig": {
	"host": "localhost",
	"database": "shocart"

app/lib/database.js: configure and connect to mongodb instance app/lib/spec.js: call database.js config method in the kraken-js onconfig event

To Do

  • Enhance edit / exhibt function of product
  • Enhance the cart / pay function
  • Build an inventory management function
  • Build a workflow of order management function
  • Build a customer service / support management function