
Hands on session for LOD

Primary LanguageShell




This lab is entended to test NetApp Ansible modules. The variables used in this repo correspond to following NetApp Lab on Demand:

  • "Using Trident with Kubernetes and ONTAP v5.0"

The playbooks you are about to run use the NetApp Collection available on Ansible Galaxy. This lab has been tested & validated with the schmots1/ansible image v15 (March 2020).

The goal here is to create & configure a tenant (ie a SVM) on the ONTAP cluster, and mounts resources on several servers.


1. Use Ansible as a Kubernetes App with a PVC to host these playbooks (PREFERRED)

  • Create & Mount 2 NFS volumes on 3 hosts
  • Create & Mount NFS volumes & iSCSI LUNs on 3 hosts
  • Create, Mount & Mirror 2 NFS volumes
  • Use NetApp's Ansible roles to create & configure a SVM

2. Use Ansible as a Docker Container, which mounts a persistent volume with Trident for Docker

  • Create & Mount 2 NFS volumes on 3 hosts
  • Create & Mount NFS volumes & iSCSI LUNs on 3 hosts
  • Create, Mount & Mirror 2 NFS volumes

3. Use Ansible as simple Docker Container

NB: if you do not know much about Kubernetes, do not be afraid to give a shout to the third chapter. Everything is described in a step by step fashion.