
Using React with MVC

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React is awesome. Flux is annoying. I propose an alternative.


Model, view, controller is such a simple and powerful design pattern and was specifically created to solve UI problems. Let's use it.

How to use MVC with React?

Let's start with the dependencies. Grab these:

Here is a high level overview of what your project will look like:

  • Routes: Using page.js, send your routes to actions. Example: examples/todo/src/index.js
  • Controllers: Use either basic es6 classes that extend from an ApplicationController (Example: examples/todo/src/controllers/welcome_controller.js), or just use more functional patterns (Example: examples/todo/src/controllers/todo_controller.js).
  • Models: You can use basic es6 classes or Immutable js, or something else. Models should call out to REST API services using the fetch API. No need to JQuery. Example: examples/todo/src/models/todo_list.js
  • Views: Use React. Fetch the bare mininum data you need to render your components in a "loading" state. Identify the state that will change with data injection and stick that in constructor. Configure your lifecycle methods to account for state changes. I would try to abstract out as much of the data handling/modeling logic into controller/models as you can and just let the react components manage their component lifecycle. Example: examples/todo/src/components/todos.js

Installation & Examples

$ cd working-directory
$ git clone https://github.com/lancecarlson/React-MVC.git
$ cd React-MVC/examples/todo
$ npm install
$ npm install budo -g
$ npm run dev

<FINE />

This is so much cleaner and simpler than Flux. Enjoy.
