
CouchDB implementation backed by PostgreSQL.

Primary LanguageGo


Mini CouchDB implementation backed by PostgreSQL.

Get Started

Only run with the -b flag the first time if you don't have divan table setup yet. Divan table is used for configuration. Start with this command:

DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@dbhost.com:5432/database go run main.go -b

In another terminal, run this commands to test (replace any ids and revisions with the uuids that get generated for you):

# Create a database
curl -XPUT http://localhost:8080/test

# Post a document
curl -XPOST --data '{}' http://localhost:8080/test

# Put the document
curl -XPUT --data '{"_rev": "3bc8d889-57db-4180-b879-57f500e16e86", "test": "test"}' http://localhost:8080/test/45c21dac-d6db-45c5-b82e-7d2f794d9568

# Get the document
curl http://localhost:8080/test/45c21dac-d6db-45c5-b82e-7d2f794d9568

HTTP Document API

On bootup, the output should give you a route map of the implemented HTTP methods.