Play Sierra AGI games on the web! AGILE is an AGI (Adventure Game Interpreter) engine, written in Java & JS, using the libGDX cross-platform development framework, targeting HTML5, Desktop and Android.
- Ackincolor
- adseibCanada
- aegypius@coopTilleuls
- AGKorson
- aiaoxaiaox
- AlbirewFrance
- Alker51Fragment Web, France
- devlink42
- DgztHungary, Budapest
- Doomlazer
- DrDroid-FR
- fsword7
- gridhawk
- Hirundor
- ik5:::1
- karmiksan
- levibeach@axuall
- Mervault
- MohamedTaoufikStartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions
- mtve
- nikolay@withcodery
- obiotSingapore
- PerditionC
- rationalthug
- rougier@INRIA
- russdannerCrafterCMS
- savage69kr
- sgalland
- smack0007DB Fernverkehr AG
- srithonCollege Park, MD
- tkersey@thisisartium
- vafada@Truebill