
Capstone Room Reservation system designed for Concordia University

Primary LanguagePython

SOEN 343 Team Project - Capstone Room Reservation System

Team Members

Quick Start Guide for Development

Developed strictly for the Google Chrome browser.


  • If you are on Windows, download GitBash.
  • Download Node.js. It should come with the npm tool.
  • cd src/client/
  • npm install
  • gulp to build the front-end and start the local server, or npm start start the server without build
  • Open your browser at http://localhost:8080.
  • Start developing. All code should automatically recompile as you change it. However, if you made a syntax error, the server will halt. You will need to npm start again after fixing it.


  • Install Python 2.7.9+.
  • Set python27 and python27/scripts in windows environment variables if on Windows
  • cd src/
  • pip2 install -r requirements.txt
  • cd server/
  • python2 manage.py migrate
  • python2 manage.py shell < setupdatabase.py
  • python2 manage.py runserver

User Accounts

  • testuser / testuser
  • testuser2 / testuser3
  • testuser2 / testuser3