Nvidia NCCL2 Python bindings using ctypes and numba.
Many codes and ideas of this project come from the project pyculib. It is originally as part of the distributed deep learning project called necklace.
Please follow the Nvidia doc here to install NCCL.
- pynccl
from source,
python setup.py install
or just,
pip install pynccl
- for numba
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(the following may be no need)
export NUMBAPRO_CUDALIB=/usr/local/cuda/lib64
export NUMBAPRO_NVVM=/usr/local/cuda/nvvm/lib64/libnvvm.so
export NUMBAPRO_LIBDEVICE=/usr/local/cuda/nvvm/libdevice/
- for NCCL
export NUMBA_NCCLLIB=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=<your-ifname-like-ens11>
- pynccl.NcclWrp
This piece of code is an example of NcclWrp with multiprocessing for dispatching the ncclUniqueId to all processes. See the complete code here
nc = pynccl.NcclWrp(kn, rank, gpu_i)
if rank == 0:
nuid = nc.get_nuid()
for j in range(kn - 1):
q.put((nuid, w))
nuid, w = q.get()
- pynccl.Nccl
You also can use the original functions of pynccl.Nccl, see the code here
# NOTE: do this at first of all
nk = pynccl.Nccl()
comm_i = nk.get_comm()
r = nk.comm_init_rank(byref(comm_i), world_size, nuid, rank)
stream_i = nk.get_stream()
r = nk.group_start()
r = nk.all_gather(p_arr_send, p_arr_recv,
comm_i, stream_i.handle)
r = nk.group_end()
- multi comms
You can create multiple NCCL communicators with different world_size and ranks list, which is something like the process group and important for distributed deep learning framework, see the code here