
Neural Networks for Near-Optimal Control, in *HASKELL*

Primary LanguageHaskell

Optimal Control with Neural Networks

CI Build

The GitHub Pages site for this repository is at https://lancelet.github.io/cropduster. The GitHub Pages site currently contains videos of some of the animated plots generated by the Haskell code.


This is a repository containing work for a planned presentation to FP-Syd (the Sydney, Australia, Functional Programming Group) on near-optimal control using neural networks.

The presentation will eventually cover:

  • Basics of SGD.
  • Backpropagation.
  • Training supervised networks on batches of examples.
  • Training networks for near-optimal control (ie. control of dynamical systems using networks that have been trained by minimising an objective function typical of an optimal control problem).

Code examples will (hopefully) include:

  • Least-squares linear fitting by SGD. Compared against the closed-form solution for a least-squares fit. This introduces SGD with manual gradient calculation to cover the basic approach, in order to motivate automatic differentiation.
  • Fitting the parameters of a mass-spring-damper system to an observed trajectory. This demonstrates backpropagation through a fixed-step RK4 ODE solver.
  • Training a network to swing-up a pole in a cart-pole pendulum system.
  • Training a network to do a rocket landing in 2D.


Major items

  • Show SGD linear fitting.
  • Show SGD linear fitting in phase space.
  • Implement RK4 for backprop.
  • Fit parameters to a mass-spring-damper system using backprop.
  • Run compiling and plotting in GitHub CI.
  • Trial Haskell chart to see if it has better plotting performance.
  • Trial video.js in place of plain HTML video tags.
  • Generate slides using Pandoc and reveal.js.
  • Clean up Plot.hs now I'm using Cairo for plots.
  • Set up a flow to render images and then process them to videos straight from Haskell to avoid crazy bash scripting.
  • Figure out how to include reveal.js presentation in the Hugo output.
  • Tidy spring-damper example; add noise to data; make mass a constant since only spring and damping constants are truly free parameters.
  • Tidy build.
  • Create other plots using Haskell Chart.
  • Network for cart-pole pendulum balancing example.
  • Network for 2D rocket landing example.
  • Presentation for FP-Syd.
  • Try plyr.js instead of video.js.


To generate linear fitting example movies:

$ ./linfit-examples.sh  # generates movies under the plots directory

To generate mass-spring-damper example movies:

$ ./msd-examples.sh  # generates movies under the plots directory