- python3
- beautifulsoup4
- cv2
- numpy
- pytesseract
- requests
- recode (for social security card or sbk)
On Ubunut, install requirements with below commands:
apt install tesseract-ocr
pip3 install opencv-python beautifulsoup4 numpy pytesseract requests
Or preferably install in a virtual env, e.g. virtualenv or anaconda
- To query the result:
shjzh_username=$your_id_number shjzh_password=$your_password python3 query.py -q
- To query and send mail:
shjzh_username=$your_id_number shjzh_password=$your_password shjzh_mailto=$your_email ./check_and_mail.sh
- To put into a crontab run at 12:00 daily:
0 12 * * * shjzh_username=$your_id_number shjzh_password=$your_password shjzh_mailto=$your_email /path/to/check_and_mail.sh
shjzz_username=$your_id_number shjzz_password=$your_password shjzz_mailto=$your_email /path/to/check_and_mail_jzzjf.sh
sbk_id=$your_id_number sbk_name=$your_name_in_Chinese_in_utf8 sbk_mailto=$your_email /path/to/check_and_mail_social_security_card.sh