* [Name](#name) -> * [Name 某某 2015.8.4](doc/name.md)
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有任何疑问,可以随时联系我。翻译交流QQ群:435558580 。
- Name yuansheng-8.4
- Status yuansheng-8.6
- Version
- Synopsis yuansheng-8.6
- Description
- Typical Uses
- Nginx Compatibility
- Installation
- Community
- Code Repository
- Bugs and Patches
- Lua/LuaJIT bytecode support
- System Environment Variable Support
- HTTP 1.0 support
- Statically Linking Pure Lua Modules
- Data Sharing within an Nginx Worker lance-2015.8.5
- Known Issues
- TCP socket connect operation issues
- Lua Coroutine Yielding/Resuming
- Lua Variable Scope
- Locations Configured by Subrequest Directives of Other Modules
- Cosockets Not Available Everywhere
- Special Escaping Sequences lance-2015.8.5
- Mixing with SSI Not Supported
- SPDY Mode Not Fully Supported
- Missing data on short circuited requests
- Changes
- Test Suite
- Copyright and License
- See Also
- Directives
- Nginx API for Lua
- Obsolete Sections
- lua_use_default_type 孙晓辉 2015.8.5
- lua_code_cache 孙晓辉 2015.8.5
- lua_regex_cache_max_entries
- lua_regex_match_limit
- lua_package_path
- lua_package_cpath
- init_by_lua
- init_by_lua_file
- init_worker_by_lua
- init_worker_by_lua_file
- set_by_lua
- set_by_lua_file
- content_by_lua
- content_by_lua_file
- rewrite_by_lua
- rewrite_by_lua_file
- access_by_lua
- access_by_lua_file
- header_filter_by_lua
- header_filter_by_lua_file
- body_filter_by_lua
- body_filter_by_lua_file
- log_by_lua
- log_by_lua_file
- lua_need_request_body
- lua_shared_dict
- lua_socket_connect_timeout
- lua_socket_send_timeout
- lua_socket_send_lowat
- lua_socket_read_timeout
- lua_socket_buffer_size
- lua_socket_pool_size
- lua_socket_keepalive_timeout
- lua_socket_log_errors
- lua_ssl_ciphers
- lua_ssl_crl
- lua_ssl_protocols
- lua_ssl_trusted_certificate
- lua_ssl_verify_depth
- lua_http10_buffering
- rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone
- lua_transform_underscores_in_response_headers
- lua_check_client_abort
- lua_max_pending_timers
- lua_max_running_timers
- Introduction
- ngx.arg
- ngx.var.VARIABLE
- Core constants
- HTTP method constants
- HTTP status constants
- Nginx log level constants
- ngx.ctx
- ngx.location.capture
- ngx.location.capture_multi
- ngx.status
- ngx.header.HEADER
- ngx.resp.get_headers
- ngx.req.start_time
- ngx.req.http_version
- ngx.req.raw_header
- ngx.req.get_method
- ngx.req.set_method
- ngx.req.set_uri
- ngx.req.set_uri_args
- ngx.req.get_uri_args
- ngx.req.get_post_args
- ngx.req.get_headers
- ngx.req.set_header
- ngx.req.clear_header
- ngx.req.read_body
- ngx.req.discard_body
- ngx.req.get_body_data
- ngx.req.get_body_file
- ngx.req.set_body_data
- ngx.req.set_body_file
- ngx.req.init_body
- ngx.req.append_body
- ngx.req.finish_body
- ngx.req.socket
- ngx.exec
- ngx.redirect
- ngx.send_headers
- ngx.headers_sent
- ngx.print
- ngx.say
- ngx.log
- ngx.flush
- ngx.exit
- ngx.eof
- ngx.sleep
- ngx.escape_uri
- ngx.unescape_uri
- ngx.encode_args
- ngx.decode_args
- ngx.encode_base64
- ngx.decode_base64
- ngx.crc32_short
- ngx.crc32_long
- ngx.hmac_sha1
- ngx.md5
- ngx.md5_bin
- ngx.sha1_bin
- ngx.quote_sql_str
- ngx.today
- ngx.time
- ngx.now
- ngx.update_time
- ngx.localtime
- ngx.utctime
- ngx.cookie_time
- ngx.http_time
- ngx.parse_http_time
- ngx.is_subrequest
- ngx.re.match lance-2015.8.6
- ngx.re.find lance-2015.8.6
- ngx.re.gmatch lance-2015.8.6
- ngx.re.sub lance-2015.8.6
- ngx.re.gsub lance-2015.8.6
- ngx.shared.DICT
- ngx.shared.DICT.get
- ngx.shared.DICT.get_stale
- ngx.shared.DICT.set
- ngx.shared.DICT.safe_set
- ngx.shared.DICT.add
- ngx.shared.DICT.safe_add
- ngx.shared.DICT.replace
- ngx.shared.DICT.delete
- ngx.shared.DICT.incr
- ngx.shared.DICT.flush_all
- ngx.shared.DICT.flush_expired
- ngx.shared.DICT.get_keys
- ngx.socket.udp
- udpsock:setpeername
- udpsock:send
- udpsock:receive
- udpsock:close
- udpsock:settimeout
- ngx.socket.tcp
- tcpsock:connect
- tcpsock:sslhandshake
- tcpsock:send
- tcpsock:receive
- tcpsock:receiveuntil
- tcpsock:close
- tcpsock:settimeout
- tcpsock:setoption
- tcpsock:setkeepalive
- tcpsock:getreusedtimes
- ngx.socket.connect
- ngx.get_phase
- ngx.thread.spawn
- ngx.thread.wait
- ngx.thread.kill
- ngx.on_abort
- ngx.timer.at
- ngx.config.debug
- ngx.config.prefix
- ngx.config.nginx_version
- ngx.config.nginx_configure
- ngx.config.ngx_lua_version
- ngx.worker.exiting
- ngx.worker.pid
- ndk.set_var.DIRECTIVE
- coroutine.create
- coroutine.resume
- coroutine.yield
- coroutine.wrap
- coroutine.running
- coroutine.status