Library for displaying PDF documents on Android, with animations
, gestures
, zoom
and double tap
It is based on PdfiumAndroid for decoding PDF files. Works on API 11 and higher.
Licensed under Apache License 2.0.
- few API changes
- improved rendering speed and accuracy
- added continuous scroll - now it behaves like Adobe Reader and others
- added
scroll gesture for velocity based scrolling - added scroll handle as a replacement for scrollbar
now require page index (i.e. starting from 0)OnPageChangeListener#onPageChanged(int, int)
is called with page index (i.e. starting from 0)- removed scrollbar
- added scroll handle as a replacement for scrollbar, use with
- added
listener due to continuous scroll, register withConfigurator#onPageScroll()
- default scroll direction is vertical, so
was changed toConfigurator#swipeHorizontal()
- removed minimap and mask configuration
Add to build.gradle:
compile 'com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:2.0.0'
Library is available in jcenter repository, probably it'll be in Maven Central soon.
All available options with default values:
.pages(0, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3) // all pages are displayed by default
is optional, it allows you to block changing pages using swipepages
is optional, it allows you to filter and order the pages of the PDF as you needonDraw
is also optional, and allows you to draw something on a provided canvas, above the current page
Scroll handle is replacement for ScrollBar from 1.x branch.
If you want to use ScrollHandle, it's important that the parent view is RelativeLayout.
To use scroll handle just register it using method Configurator#scrollHandle()
This method accepts implementations of ScrollHandle interface.
There is default implementation shipped with AndroidPdfViewer, and you can use it with
.scrollHandle(new DefaultScrollHandle(this))
DefaultScrollHandle is placed on the right (when scrolling vertically) or on the bottom (when scrolling horizontally).
By using constructor with second argument (new DefaultScrollHandle(this, true)
), handle can be placed left or top.
You can also create custom scroll handles, just implement ScrollHandle interface. All methods are documented as Javadoc comments on interface source.
By default, generated bitmaps are compressed with RGB_565
format to reduce memory consumption.
Rendering with ARGB_8888
can be forced by using pdfView.useBestQuality(true)
There are three zoom levels: min (default 1), mid (default 1.75) and max (default 3). On first double tap, view is zoomed to mid level, on second to max level, and on third returns to min level. If you are between mid and max levels, double tapping causes zooming to max and so on.
Zoom levels can be changed using following methods:
void setMinZoom(float zoom);
void setMidZoom(float zoom);
void setMaxZoom(float zoom);
Android PdfViewer depends on PdfiumAndroid, which is set of native libraries (almost 16 MB) for many architectures. Apk must contain all this libraries to run on every device available on market. Fortunately, Google Play allows us to upload multiple apks, e.g. one per every architecture. There is good article on automatically splitting your application into multiple apks, available here. Most important section is Improving multiple APKs creation and versionCode handling with APK Splits, but whole article is worth reading. You only need to do this in your application, no need for forking PdfiumAndroid or so.
If you have any suggestions on making this lib better, write me, create issue or write some code and send pull request.
Created with the help of android-pdfview by Joan Zapata
Copyright 2016 Bartosz Schiller
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.