
Tikkba is a Clojure library for the creation and the dynamic modification of SVG documents.

Primary LanguageClojure


Tikkba is a Clojure library for the creation and the dynamic modification of SVG documents. It wraps the Apache Batik library and provides functions to create SVG images with the Clojure-based SVG DSL of the Analemma library.

Batik is a Java-based toolkit for applications or applets that want to use images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as display, generation or manipulation.

Apache Batik



Example 1: creating a SVG and displaying it into a Swing JFrame.

 (defn analemma-svg
   "Creates a SVG representation with the Analemma functions"
    (apply group
           (-> (text "Analemma")
               (add-attrs :x 120 :y 60)
               (style :fill "#000066"
                      :font-family "Garamond"
                      :font-size "75px"
                      :alignment-baseline :middle))
           (for [[x y] analemma-data]
             (circle (translate-value x -30 5 0 125)
                     (translate-value y -25 30 125 0)
                     2 :fill "#000066")))))
 (defn create-frame
   (let [frame (JFrame.)]
     (.add (.getContentPane frame) canvas)
     (.setSize frame 800 200)
     (.setDefaultCloseOperation frame JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
      (fn [] (.setVisible frame true)))))
 (defn -main
   ;; Converts the SVG representation to a XML Document
   ;; and displays the SVG in a JFrame
   (let [doc (svg-doc (analemma-svg))
         canvas (jsvgcanvas)]
     (set-document canvas doc)
     (create-frame canvas)))

Example 2: dynamically modifying a SVG

This example draw two rectangles. When the user clicks on the biggest rectangle, the color and position of the other rectangle will change.

 (defn create-svg
   "Creates a SVG representation with the Analemma functions"
    (-> (rect 20 30 100 400 :id "rect0")
        (style :fill "white" :stroke "blue" :stroke-width 10))
    (-> (rect 50 250 50 80 :id "rect1")
        (style :fill "white" :stroke "red" :stroke-width 10))
    (-> (text "Click inside the blue rectangle!")
        (add-attrs :x 450 :y 80)
        (style :font-size "20px"))))
 (defn random-color
   (letfn [(color
            (Integer/toHexString (rand-int 16)))]
     (apply format "#%s%s%s%s%s%s" (repeatedly 6 color))))
 (defn click-listener
   [event canvas doc]
   (let [rect1 (dom/element-by-id doc "rect1")
         x (Integer/parseInt (dom/attr rect1 :x))]
     ;; changes rectangle position and color
      (dom/add-attrs rect1
                     :style (style-str :fill (random-color))
                     :x (+ x 10)))))
 (defn create-frame
   (let [frame (JFrame.)]
     (.add (.getContentPane frame) canvas)
     (.setSize frame 800 600)
     (.setDefaultCloseOperation frame JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
     ;; or use the do-swing macro of clojure.contrib.swing-utils:
      (fn [] (.setVisible frame true)))))
 (defn -main
   ;; Converts the SVG representation to a XML Document
   ;; and displays the SVG in a JFrame
   (let [doc (svg-doc (create-svg))
         rect (dom/element-by-id doc "rect0") 
         canvas (jsvgcanvas)]
     (dom/add-event-listener rect "click" click-listener canvas doc)
     (set-document canvas doc)
     (create-frame canvas)))

Example 3: creating a SVG file

 (let [doc (svg-doc (create-svg))]
     (dom/spit-xml "/tmp/rectangle.svg" doc
                   :indent "yes"
                   :encoding "UTF8"))

The full examples are available in the test directory.


Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.