
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A jQuery plugin to enable HTML5 placeholder on most browsers.


  • Use it as a fallback for browser doesn't support placeholder
  • Force it to display on all browsers even browsers that are supporting placeholder
  • Show placeholder text when input field is focusing
  • Events callback
  • Automatically applies the same styles from input field to placeholder text


You can use HTML5 placeholder or jplaceholder attribute if you're experiencing FOUT (Flash Of Unstyled Text)

	<input name="phone" type="text" placeholder="Enter your phone number" />
	<input name="pass" type="password" placeholder="Password" />
	<input name="id" type="text" jplaceholder="User ID" />  <!-- notice the attribute jplaceholder -->

<script src="jplaceholder.js"></script>


	$("input, textarea").jplaceholder();


$(elements).jplaceholder({ force, showOnFocus, focusFn, keypressFn, blurFn });

force : boolean enable jplaceholder even in HTML5 browser

showOnFocus : boolean show placeholder text when the element is focusing

focusFn : function(object, event) callback function when element is focusing, object is the current element itself

keypressFn : function(object, event) callback function when a key pressed

blurFn : function(object, event) callback function when element is not focused

Fallback method

Use jplaceholder as a fallback method for older browsers that don't support HTML5 placeholder.

	<input name="user" jplaceholder="User ID" />
	<input name="pass" jplaceholder="Password" />


Show placeholder when input's focusing

Placeholder text will goes away when the a key entered. It reduces the text opacity to 50%.


Callback functions

	<input name="user" jplaceholder="User ID" />
	<input name="pass" jplaceholder="Password" />

	focusFn: function(obj, event) {
		console.log('focus event  input name= ' + obj.attr('name'));
	keypressFn: function(obj, event) {
		console.log('keypress event, input value is ' + obj.val());
	blurFn: function(obj, event) {
		console.log('blur event');

Styling placeholder

		<input name="user" jplaceholder="User ID" />
		<input name="pass" jplaceholder="Password" />

	.jplaceholder {
		color:#f00 !important; /* override inline styles */
	.jplaceholder.focus {
		color:#333 !important;


	/* jplaceholder plug-in retrieve the styles automatically */
	input {
	.jplaceholder.focus {
		color:#333 !important;  /* override inline style */
FOUT ---- To prevent FOUT in HTML5 browsers, either use *jplaceholder* attribute inside the element, or set the element's visibility to hidden in CSS until jplaceholder javascript is executed.
	input { 
		visibility: hidden;

	<input name="phone" placeholder="enter your phone number" />
