
Geospatial packages repository and environment. Check out https://geospatial-nix.today/ .

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

Build packages

Geospatial packages repository and environment

Geospatial NIX provides weekly updated geospatial packages and tools built on top of the latest stable Nixpkgs branch for creating isolated and reproducible geospatial environments.

Check out the user interface at https://geospatial-nix.today/ .

Quick start


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf \
    -L https://install.determinate.systems/nix \
    | sh -s -- install

Show this repository content

  • Show Geospatial NIX content
nix flake show github:imincik/geospatial-nix

Run applications without installation

  • Launch the latest stable QGIS version
nix run github:imincik/geospatial-nix#qgis
  • Launch QGIS LTR version
nix run github:imincik/geospatial-nix#qgis-ltr

Create new environment

  • Initialize new environment
mkdir my-project
cd my-project

git init

nix run github:imincik/geospatial-nix#geonixcli -- init

git add *
  • Edit geonix.nix file according to your project requirements (check out examples for example configurations)

  • Launch shell environment

nix run .#geonixcli -- shell

More information about used technologies

Developer documentation

Building packages

  • Build single package
nix build .#<PACKAGE>
  • Build all packages
nix build .#all-packages
  • Build a single package and push it to the Geonix binary cache
nix build --json .#<PACKAGE>  | jq -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' | cachix push geonix
  • Build all packages and push them to the Geonix binary cache
nix build --json .#all-packages  | jq -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' | cachix push geonix
  • Run package passthru tests
nix build -L .#<PACKAGE>.tests.<TEST-NAME>

To an re-build already built package or to re-run already succeeded tests, use the --rebuild switch.

Debugging packages

  • Explore derivation
nix show-derivation .#<PACKAGE>
  • Explore package store path content
nix path-info -rsSh .#<PACKAGE> | sort -nk3
  • Explain package dependencies
nix why-depends .#<PACKAGE> .#<DEPENDENCY>

Weekly development cycle

  • Monday (1 AM): automatic update of base packages from latest stable Nixpkgs branch (nix flake update)

  • Monday - Thursday: development and updates of geospatial packages in Nixpkgs master

  • Thursday - Friday: pull from Nixpkgs master to Geospatial NIX master, integration, testing

  • Monday (1 AM): automatic release of new version

Packages update process

  • Create a pkgs-weekly-update branch to collect all package updates in this branch and create PR (Monday)
git checkout -b pkgs-weekly-update-$(date "+%Y-%V")

git push --set-upstream origin pkgs-weekly-update-$(date "+%Y-%V")
  • Merge automatically created flake update PR (flake-update-action-pr branch) in to pkgs-weekly-update branch

  • Submit pkgs-weekly-update PR

git pull

gh pr create --title "pkgs: weekly update $(date "+%Y-%V")"
  • Pull from the latest Nixpkgs master (Thursday - Friday)
utils/pull-nixpkgs.sh <NIXPKGS-DIR>
  • Review changes, identify related PRs in Nixpkgs, split changes to separate commits (link to Nixpks PR in commit message)

  • Optional: generate a reverse patch for changes which are not desired

git diff -R <CHANGED-FILE> > pkgs/<PACKAGE>/nixpkgs/<PATCH-NAME>.patch
  • Build and test all packages
nix build --json .#all-packages  | jq -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' | cachix push geonix

nix flake check

nix build --json .\#test-qgis.x86_64-linux  | jq -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' | cachix push geonix
nix build --json .\#test-qgis-ltr.x86_64-linux  | jq -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' | cachix push geonix
  • Merge pkgs-weekly-update PR (Friday, Saturday)