
An async multi queue with strategies

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


An async queue.


  • Multiple/Managable queues


npm i -S multi-queue


var mqueue = require('multi-queue');
var mq = mqueue();

// Request pages 1 - 5,
// 3 pages at a time
// disallow duplicate requests per unique, page 2 will NOT run twice
mq.create('tweets', { concurrency: 3 })
[1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5].forEach(function(page) {
  mq.push('tweets', function(done) {
    twitter.fetchPage(page, function(err, tweets) {
      // Do some stuff with tweets
      done(err); // Must call done to inform mq that task is complete
  }, { unique: 'fetch' + page });



var mqueue = require('multi-queue');
var mq = mqueue(); // Note: Exported is a function to be called, not a class

Queue#create push(key, [options])

Creates a new queue named by key.

Option: concurrency

Default: 1 (aka no concurrency)

Executes N tasks specified by concurrency.

var mq = mqueue();
mq.create('key', { concurrency: 2 });
mq.push('key', getTweets);
mq.push('key', getTweets);
mq.push('key', getTweets); // queued

Queue#push push([key], task, [options])

Add a task to a queue(key).

task is expected to be a function that receives a single callback argument which must be called to continue processing tasks.

If no key is provided then the task is added to the default queue.

var mq = mqueue();
// add task to the `repos` queue
mq.push('repos', function(done) {
  github.getRepos(function (err, repos) {
    // do some stuff
    done(); // Must call done to inform mq that the task is complete

// Add to a queue uniquely
mq.push(function(done) {
  github.getRepos(function (err, repos) {
    // do some stuff
    done(); // Must call done to inform mq that the task is complete
  }, { unique: 'github' });

mq.push(function(done) {
  github.getRepos(function (err, repos) {
    // do some stuff
    done(); // Must call done to inform mq that the task is complete
  }, { unique: 'github' });

Option: name

By specifying a name for a task you gain the ability to call the following methods:

  • remove

Option: unique

This option guarantees your tasks are unique.

var mq = mqueue();
mq.push(getTweets, { unique: 'tweets' });
mq.push(getTweets, { name: 'tweets', unique: true }); // equivalent to the above

mq.push(getTweetsAgain, { unique: 'tweets' }); // Will not be added to queue
mq.push('myKey', getTweetsAgain, { unique: 'tweets' }); // Added to the myKey queue

Note: If a string value is set to unique then that will act as a name and unique will be set to true. In otherwords, {unique: 'tweets'} is equivalent to { name: 'tweets', unique: true }.

Option: meta

Provide meta data to get insight into tasks when listening to events.

mq.on('run', function(name, taskName, meta) {
  console.log(meta.id); // 5;

mq.push(uploadData, { meta: { id: 5 } });

Queue#start start([key])

Start a queue specified by key.

If key is omitted then the default queue is started

Queue#stop stop([key])

Stop a queue specified by key.

If key is omitted then the default queue is stopped

Queue#empty empty([key])

Remove all tasks from the queue specified by key.

If key is omitted then the default queue is emptied

Queue#remove remove([key], name)

Remove a task(name) from the queue(key).

If key is omitted then the default queue is used

In order to remove a task then it must be named when it is added via queue.push.


MultiQueue extends EventEmitter and emits the following events:


Called when start is called

mq.on('start', function(name) {
  console.log(name); // foo


Called when stop is called

mq.on('stop', function(name) {
  console.log(name); // foo


Called when a queue is emptied

mq.on('empty', function(name) {
  console.log(name); // name of emptied queue


Called when a task is added and queued (can't run immediately)

mq.on('queue', function(name, taskName, meta) {
  console.log(name); // name of queue added to 'foo'
  console.log(taskName); // name of task 'baz'. `bar` was not queued
mq.push('foo', someFn, { name: 'bar', concurrency: 1 });
mq.push('foo', someFn, { name: 'baz' });


Called when a task is executed

mq.on('run', function(name, taskName, meta) {
mq.push('foo', someFn, { name: 'bar' });


Called when a task is executed

// called once in this scenario
mq.on('duplicate', function(name, taskName, meta) {
  console.log(name); // 'foo'
  console.log(taskName); 'bar'
mq.push('foo', someFn, { name: 'bar' });
mq.push('foo', someFn, { name: 'bar' });


Called when a task is completed

Pass values into done in order to gain some insight into the task

// Expose an error
function someFn(done) {
  done(new Error('test'));
mq.on('done', function(err, name, taskName, meta) {
  console.log(err.message); // 'test'
mq.push('foo', someFn, { name: 'bar' });
// Expose values
function someFn(done) {
  done(null, 'hi');
mq.on('done', function(err, val, name, taskName, meta) {
  console.log(err); // null
  console.log(val); // 'hi'
mq.push('foo', someFn, { name: 'bar' });


  • Timeout tasks
  • Active concurrency (When a task with a differenct concurrency is added to the queue update value)