Taken from epassportviewer and added support for Dutch ECDSA Active Authentication. Not sure what the difference is between this 2.0 and the 1.0 of Google Code
Note: Also needs a modified version of python-ecdsa because of support for brainpoolp320r1, which can be found in this pull request
pyPassport Installation Instructions
Until pyPassport reach a stable state the installation has to be done from source. Later binary packages will be released for the following platforms:
Windows (.exe) Linux (.deb/.rmp) Mac OSX (if possible, mpkg/dmg?) Sources
Supported platforms
Any platform capable of running Python 2.5/2.6 (and C based module). pyPassport has been successfully installed from sources on Windows, Linux (Ubuntu) and Mac OSX.
pyPassport is build on top of some other open-sources libraries. All of them are mandatory to use pyPassport.
pyPassport also uses other open-source tools to perform specific processing, installing those tools is not mandatory. However, if those optional tools are not installed pyPassport functionalities are reduce.
The following packages are required to run the application.
List of other dependencies: python 2.5 or 2.6. List of python dependencies: pyasn1, pyscard, pycrypto, setuptools. Python dependencies can be installed using the code sharing python platform PyPI using the following command:
Python/scripts$ easy_install package_name
To install pyscard on MAC OSX you can use this mpkg file
To complete the installation, two additional packages should be installed:
OpenSSL for certificate verification; (already included in Mac OSX) geoJasper to manipulate images in JPEG2000 format; Offline installation
Please use the python installer script to install pypassport with the following command:
$ python install
All files will be installed in the $PythonDir/sites-packages/pypassport directory, ready to be imported in your project.
Online installation
Once the software reach a stable state, code will be posted on the code sharing python platform PyPI.