ConvAE architecture for latent representations of EHR sequences

This folder includes the ConvAE architecture implementation and an example dataset to learn patient representations from their EHRs as described in [1].

Technical Requirements

Python 3.6+

Run ConvAE

Download the convae_architecture folder

$ git clone

The full list of required Python Packages is available in requrirements.txt file. It is possible to install all the dependencies by:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt 

Examples of randomly generated input EHRs (train and test) can be found in data_example folder. Outputs will be stored in ./data_example/encodings and include ConvAE latent representations, EHR sequences organized in subsequences of desired length, and best model weights.

To train the model:


To test the representations learned on the test set:

sh test


Synthetic data include:

200 patients, 50:50 split for train and test;

vocabulary size = 200;

min sequence length = 3;

max sequence length = 100;

embedding dimension = 100;

subsequence length = 32.

Model parameters can be modified in This example randomly initialize the embedding matrix.

[1] Landi, I., Glicksberg, B. S., Lee, H. C., Cherng, S., Landi, G., Danieletto, M., Dudley, J. T., Furlanello, C., & Miotto, R. Deep representation learning of electronic health records to unlock patient stratification at scale. npj Digit. Med. 3, 96 (2020).