
Lando 4.0 Core Server & CLI Client - Under Development; Do not use.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Lando Server Development


Clone repo:

git clone git@github.com:lando/core.git
cd core/

Scripts are declared in the Makefile over package.json for DX because it's a little more flexible. (Syntax highlighting, comments, etc) Not opposed to moving them into package.json if there's reason or just alternate opinions.

Install dependencies and run the server:

# Build yarn deps & proto files

# Run the server
make serve

Other targets:

# Rebuild proto files
make protos

# Run the test client script
make test


  • cmd: A command string (Use cmd to indicate a string as opposed to a Command object)
  • Command: [Model] A Lando command object
  • CommandCall: [Model] A Lando Command Call object; The highest level object that represents the API call, Command, and stage workflow
  • gRPC Service: A single gRPC service in either the .proto file, the auto generated files, or the custom implementation file.
  • Model: A JavaScript class used for data structure but not business logic
  • Module: A NodeJS module; A JavaScript file with exports
  • Stage: [Model] A CommandCall Stage object.

Directory Structure

├── bin             Executables
├── build           Generated files
│   └── protos          JavaScript proto files
├── client          Client implementation directory
├── config          Yaml configurations
├── protos          Source .proto files
└── server          Server implmementation directory
    ├── grpc            grpc service files
    ├── lib             Business logic
    └── models          Data models (No business logic)

gRPC Service Modules

gRPC Service refers to the service defined in a .proto file, and Module refers to the NodeJS module file that exports the gRPC Service data, health check, & implementation.

Example export:

module.exports = {
  definition: service.CommandServiceService,
  implementation: {list, run},


JavaScript files in the models directory are Anemic Models, or classes designed to contain only data and perhaps light logic for formatting or to facilitate the serialization and deserialization of properties. These classes will be void of any business logic.

Each model module exports a single class which is explicitly loaded in models/index.js so all models may be accessed as below:

Models can be loaded like so:

const {Command, CommandCall, Stage} = require('./models');