
Scala internal-DSL for defining (and playing) MIDI event data

Primary LanguageScala

Scala Language MIDI Sequencer

This project is:

  • an experiment in creating music by building monadic transformations on sequences of value data
  • a programable instrument that generates MIDI note events
  • a Scala toolchain for MIDI sequencing
  • a text file drum machine

Getting Started


zinc -start
sbt start-script

(Zinc is optional.)


target/start kuhn.UI



  • chord matrix
  • Multi-line value entry mode
  • Change time scale
  • Don't crash on invalid MIDI (logging?)
  • git-friendly state persistence
  • insert cursor mode, cursor position indicator
  • bring back ABC


  • time
    • midi note
    • note
    • note of scale
    • chord
  • value
    • midi note
    • note
    • note of scale
    • chord root and ranks
  • duration
    • midi note
    • note
    • note of scale
  • attack/release
    • midi note
    • note
    • note of scale
  • accidental
    • note of scale
    • chord root and ranks


  • rows of cols of integers no
  • rows col cols of unicode characters
  • column is always time no
  • X axis
    • beat matrix: beat = X * scale
    • mapping matrix: input = X
  • row semantic is provided by context no, not really
  • value
    • a-f literal value - accidentals on own row as f(lat) n(atural) s(sharp) - cannot represent coincident notes
    • 0-9 literal value
    • reference
    • any char / semantic by context
    • an instance of a class

every file defines 1 song matrix a beat matrix may be configured as "start here" the song matrix is used to yield midi notes the minimum viable data is (time,#) pairs therefore a t*1 matrix can only be used 1 way

a a e e f f e   d d c c b b a

|a a e e f f e   d d c c b b a
|1 1 1 1 1 1 2   1 1 1 1 1 1 2

if song is a t*2 matrix? what does it do with the x dimension?

  • x=0 # value
  • x=1 duration
  • x=2 attack
  • x=3 release
  • x=? accidental

absolute pitch = midi note number - middle c note number



song    +0,0--------------------------
#       |a a e e f f e   d d c c b b a
duration|1 1 1 1 1 1 2   1 1 1 1 1 1 2
triad   |1   1   2   3   1   1 2     1

matrix can be interpreterted as

  • note
  • degree of scale
  • chord
  • voice
  • scale
note   cdefgabcdefgabc
octave 444444455555556
attack aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
atfine 000000001122334

       0         1
scale |101011010101

note         |012345601234560
accidental   |             sf
octave       |444444455555556

rankofscale  |10101
accidental   |    f

voice        +0,0---
value0       |1 1  1
value1       |1  1 1
value2       |1   11

song         +0,0----


song         +0,0-----
triad        |1415141
M7           |       5

A Beat Matrix provides a timeseries of values.

  • A value may be defined in 1-line mode using value C-B, octave, accidental
  • A value may be defined in manyline mode using value_n rows
  • 1-line and manyline mode may be used in the same matrix; a matrix may produce multiple simultaneous voices

Value Is A or B:

A. Something that can be mapped to an absolute note

- A MIDI note number
- A C4=0 note number (MIDI note number - 60)
- A mapped note

  1. A degree of scale
  2. A degree of chord (which yields a degree of scale)
  3. A degree of n - what is n?

B. Something that can stand for some other sequence of values

- The value used is passed in and can affect values defined therein

  1. Y offset
  2. transpose value (v=v+input_v)

- The values produced by the referenced matrix are triggered

  1. it is a forked line values, concurrent in time to the higher level matrix

A matrix defines a set of values in time.

  • what is the meaning of the Y axis?
  • related to value? thinking not. thinking so.
  • no meaning at all?
  • meaning in labels/options
  • Y value can represent degree of chord for defining chord voicing

Mapping Matrix (singleton):

                  0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
ionian           |1010110101011
triad            |10101
7                |1010101

Mapping Matrix Options:

  • type ___ (scale or chord)
  • chord only: in reference to scale ___

Beat Matrix (class):

                  0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
hello my name is +--------------------------------------------------------------------------
duration         |
value            |
octave           |
accidental       |
attack           |
attack_fine      |
release          |
release_fine     |
value_n          |
value_n+1        |
value_n+...      |
value_n+m        |
ref_matrix_1     |
ref_matrix_2     |
ref_matrix_...   |
// i don't really|have a comment here, but I could


  • name of matrix
  • X scale
    • 1/2 to 1/12 scale for longer/less resolution
    • 2x to 12x for short/precise
  • n = value_by_Y offset
  • m = value_by_Y count
  • show/hide rows
  • add/remove reference rows
  • start here y/n

for all value rows (value and reference rows): mode:

value mode: 1-line mode, many-line mode (value mode is set per value row)

In many-line mode: also choose meaning of cell:

  1. duration, attack, attack fine, release, release fine
  2. for matrix references: cell value is passed-in and available as ø

A matrix defines a timeseries of notes using a variety of abstractions

zinc -start