Dubs Vim
Dubs Vim is just one developer's Vim IDE (or very close to it).
Project Overview
This project is essentially just the lightweight
top-level ~/.vim
directory that I use.
Almost all functionality is provided by installing other projects using
the (newish) package
mechanism, i.e., cloning repositories under
Rather than hook projects as git submodules, each user is expected to manage their own repositories.
- This author recommends the excellent myrepos multiple repository manager, which pairs well with this author's myrepos extensions and actions, https://github.com/landonb/ohmyrepos
Project Highlights
If nothing else, hopefully you'll find the list of suggested third-party plugins to be useful. While not completely representative of all the best plugins -- it's by no means an inclusive Awesome List -- it represents some of the best plugins I've found, and that I still find to be useful.
I've also written dozen of plugins over the years, to fill in the gaps as necessary. Hopefully you'll find these plugins of interest, as well.
- For convenience, this project installs a help file compiled from all my personally authored help docs, to provide a single point of reference (as there are many, many commands and mappings defined).
Feature Overview
See Dubs Vim Reference
for a complete list of features of my plugins,
or browse the more terse online help, :help dubs-vim
Install as Normal Package
If you plan to install the Dubs Vim plugins and want the single-page help, install this project, too.
Using the built-in packages feature, you can simply clone this project
to a start
directory under ~/.vim/pack
, e.g.,
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/landonb/start
git clone git://github.com/landonb/dubs-vim.git ~/.vim/pack/landonb/start
If you want access to the best features, install additional packages.
- On Ubuntu, one might run, e.g.,
sudo apt install -y \
vim-gtk \
silversearcher-ag \
exuberant-ctags \
par \
- Dubs Vim also works well with ripgrep (which you can install yourself).
Once cloned and addition packages are installed, restart Vim and rebuild the inline help docs. From within Vim, run.
Install as Top-level Vim Directory
If your user does not already have a ~/.vim
directory, you
can clone the repository to your user's home directory, and then
create a symlink at ~/.vimrc
. E.g.,
git clone git://github.com/landonb/dubs-vim.git .vim
/bin/ln -s .vim/.vimrc .vimrc
Next Steps
Install Dubs Vim packages
Install third-party packages
Read the documentation
See Dubs Vim Reference
for a list of commands and keyboard shortcuts.
The online help, :h dubs
, is an abbreviated
list of the same.
Configure, personalize, dismantle, etc.
There are a few features you'll need to prime before they'll be of any utility.
- Make project symlinks for Command-T wrapper.
The <Ctrl-D>
command pops up Command-T and points
it at the first directory named cmdt_paths
it finds within the ~/.vim
When you run Dubs Vim for the first time, it'll copy the file,
to cmdt_paths
in the same directory.
(You can move this directory somewhere private, to
put it under your own revision control system; then
symlink your path from dubs_file_finder/cmdt_paths
Look inside the copied directory and you'll find
a generate_links.sh
script that you can edit
and run to populate the folder.
Currently, it just adds links to your Vim files.
You can also do this manually, e.g.,
/bin/ln -s /path/to/projectA /path/to/cmdt_paths
/bin/ln -s /path/to/projectB /path/to/cmdt_paths
- Make list of folders to be easily greppable.
Open the file pack/landonb/start/dubs_grep_steady/dubs_projects.vim
and add your project paths to the list of projects. This list is displayed
when your search with either \g
or the F4
(You can also move this file somewhere private, to
put it under your own revision control system; then
symlink that file from dubs_grep_steady/dubs_projects.vim
- Hack away.
Like most things Vim, after reading the docs and testing a new plugin, you'll want to get your hands dirty. Happy hacking!
Third-Party Distro Package Descriptions
Following is an explanation of the optional
packages that can be installed
to enable more features:
- The Silver Searcher is a nice alternative to the built-in grep family of commands, especially since it honors .gitignore files.
- ripgrep
is an even faster alternative to
(and is may have to be manually installed). - Exuberant Ctags
lets you jump to function definitions using
. (You'll have to runctags
on your source to generate one or moretags
files first; it's best if you can wire this into your local CI.) - Par
lets you reformat text to a preset width (e.g., press
to intelligently resize a selected text block of code to 80 characters wide, preserving indents, prefixes and postfixes). - We include the ruby-dev library so we can build the Command-T binary.
Third-party Vim Plugins
Dubs Vim includes and incorporates a number of third-party Vim plugins.
You can generally access each plugin's feature using the normal commands defined by the plugin, but Dubs Vim also remaps and wraps calls to third-party plugins to make them more seamless and easy to access.
See the Dubs Vim Reference for a list of all Dubs Vim commands, including those provided by other people's plugins.
Dubs Vim mostly adds new key bindings not already mapped by
standard Vim or changed by MS-Windows mode (behave mswin
However, a few standard key bindings have been remapped.
You probably won't notice the changes, but you might.
See Differences from Vim
for the list of binding differences.