
A server and client implementation of code/text snippet hosting, similar to Pastebin.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A client and server implementation of code/text snippet storage, similar to Pastebin. Features a CLI tool to easily upload the contents of files to your own webserver, so you can use your own domain. Supports syntax highlighting, paste expiry, and API keys.

Example Paste: https://api.landon.pw/pastes/648ce77435625b0015fbd7ea


The server is written in JavaScript, and uses NodeJS and the Express framework. It uses MongoDB as a database, and the mongoose library to interact with the database. The API endpoint is /pastes, and accepts POST requests with the following JSON body:

    "content": string,
    "expiry": string

The content field is the content of the snippet, and the expiry field is the expiry date of the snippet. Content should be base64 encoded. When retrieving a paste, it will be base64 decoded. The expiry date is formatted like "1d", "1h", "1m", etc. for days, hours, and minutes respectively. You can also use "Never" to set the expiry date to never.

Additionally, the header X-API-Key must be provided, otherwise the server will return a 401 Unauthorized error. Authorized API keys can be defined in server/routes/api.js.

The server will return a JSON response with the following format:

    "status": int,
    "id": string,
    "expiry": date,
    "url": string

If an error occurs, the response will be the following:

    "status": int,
    "error": string

Pastes can be retrieved by sending a GET request to /pastes/:id, where :id is the ID of the paste. The server uses the highlight.js library to provide syntax highlighting for snippets. Additionally, you can specify the language syntax to use, by appending an extension to the GET request.

GET /pastes/:id.js => JavaScript
GET /pastes/:id.py => Python
GET /pastes/:id.cpp => C++

Raw paste data can be retrieved by sending a GET request to /pastes/raw/:id. This will return the raw paste data, without any syntax highlighting.

The MongoDB database uses an index on the expiry field to automatically delete expired pastes. This is done by setting the expireAfterSeconds option to 0. This will cause MongoDB to automatically delete documents when the expiry field is less than the current date. This is done by the mongod cronjob automatically.


To build the server, you must have NodeJS and npm installed. You can install NodeJS and npm by following the instructions here. Once you have NodeJS and npm installed, you can build the server by running npm install in the server directory. Then, the server can be started by running npm start. The server will be running on port 3000 by default-- this can be changed by setting the PORT environment variable.

You will also need to have MongoDB installed. You can install MongoDB by following the instructions here. You must also configure MongoDB to run the deletion cron. This can be done by running the following command:

> use pastes
> db.pastes.createIndex({ "expiry": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0 })

It's recommended to enable authentication on the MongoDB database.

Client (CLI)

The client is a command-line interface (CLI) that allows you to upload snippets. It is written in Rust, and uses the reqwest crate to make HTTP requests to the server. The client can be configured by editing the client/src/landonbin.rs file. The default server URL is http://api.example.com/pastes, and the default API key is my-secret-api-key.

The client also supports automatically copying the paste URL to your clipboard. Simply set the COPY_CLIPBOARD environment variable to TRUE. This is supported on macOS, Windows, and Linux.

echo "export COPY_CLIPBOARD=TRUE" >> ~/.bashrc # Linux
echo "export COPY_CLIPBOARD=TRUE" >> ~/.zshrc # macOS


To build the client, you must have Rust installed. You can install Rust by following the instructions here. Once you have Rust installed, you can build the client by running cargo build --release in the client directory. The binary will be located at client/target/release/landonbin.


The client has two ways to upload snippets. You can either use the --file argument or --text. Additionally, you can pass an expiration date at the end of the command. If no expiration date is passed, it defaults to no expiry. It's recommended to add the binary to your PATH so you can run it from anywhere.

./landonbin --file example.txt # Expires never
./landonbin --text "Hello, world!" 7d # Expires in 7 days
./landonbin --file /home/user/Desktop/flag.txt 1h # Expires in 1 hour