
Required iPhone SDK not found

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Hello! I am running on 10.8 and after using Simulator Bundler, when I open the complied app, I get an error:

The iPhone SDK required by the application could not be found. Please install the iphoneos6.0 SDK and try again.

I have latest XCode installed along with the iOS SDK. Any help?

Same issue here. I'm assuming the app needs an update for iOS6 or Mountain Lion. Not sure if the original developers are still working on this project though.

Are you running a binary release, or the current git sources? I need to cut a new release, but the current code is working for me on ML.

I'm running a binary. I tried building it from source with xcode, but

couldn't get it to build.

Joe Hohman
Development Director
Studio 8e8, Inc.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Landon Fuller notifications@github.comwrote:

Are you running a binary release, or the current git sources? I need to
cut a new release, but the current code is working for me on ML.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

I ran into same issue, built from latest git source today. On OS X 10.8.2.

Can you provide any relevant messages from the logs? (ie,

When I launch the app I see the following on

12/28/12 10:41:48.553 AM Launcher[943]: Skipping platform discovery result '/Applications/', does not match requirements (mv=1, df=1, es=0)
12/28/12 10:41:48.558 AM Launcher[943]: Skipping platform discovery result '/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform', does not match requirements (mv=1, df=1, es=0)

and the alert:

Required iPhone SDK not found.
The iPhone SDK required by the application could not be found. Please install the iphoneos6.0 SDK and try again.

Perfect, thanks! Did you happen to run the bundler on a device build, instead of a simulator build? Just noticed that the listed SDK is 'iphoneos6.0', which would be a device SDK.

Ah -- that I did. My bad.

I just ran the bundler on a simulator build and it's working fine. Thanks for the project and support!

Woot! Thanks for helping solve the mystery.

Could you clarify the solution to this issue as I dont understand what you mean by "run the bundler on a device build, instead of a simulator build". Im having the same issue and Im not sure how to fix it.

Xcode can build apps for the simulator or for a device. They are different. You want a simulator build for this. You can find simulator builds within the Xcode folder DerivedData, somewhere like /Xcode/DerivedData//Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/