
Tool for simulating clients on an MQTT network with the ability to collect latency results.


This installation guide assumes no previous knowledge and uses version 2.0.9 of the Mosquitto broker.
If you are using a different broker, version, or configuration, results may differ and require you to consult their documentation.
All configuration settings we use will be explained in their role. Some may not be necessary depending on your testing conditions.
This installation assumes you have basic knowledge of Git and how to clone a repository.


  1. Download and install the Mosquitto broker.
  2. In the root folder for Mosquitto, copy the mosquitto.conf file into a new file called testing.conf.
  3. Open testing.conf in your preferred text editor.
  4. Go to line 215, remove the text on the line, and add the text listener [port] [hostname]
    • This defines where the broker should be listening for client messages.
    • These should be the port and hostname of the computer the broker is installed on.
    • If you are running the stress tester and broker locally, you can use for local loopback.
    • If you want to listen at several locations, you can define more than one listener by adding more lines.
  5. Go to line 512, remove the text on the line, and add the text allow_anonymous true
    • This allows the stress testing clients to connect to the broker without requiring a username and password.
  6. Open command prompt, navigate to the root folder of the Mosquitto broker.
  7. Execute the command mosquitto -c testing.conf
    • -c argument specifies that the configuration used by Mosquitto is testing.conf
    • -v argument can also be added to tell Mosquitto to run in verbose mode. This will allow you to see incoming and outgoing messages from the broker.
  8. Clone the repository into a desired file
  9. Open in your preferred text editor
  10. Modify the broker_ip and broker_port variables at the top of the file to reflect your broker's connection details.
  11. Close the file and run
    • If connection to the broker is successful, you should see Connected to broker.
  12. Open the epic_mqtt solution in Visual Studio
  13. Build the application and execute it
    • Alternatively, click Start to run in debug mode
  14. You should now have a UI, broker, and python application running, and be ready to use the application.