
metamask and metaswap codebase introspection and tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Decloaking Metamask


Use the new controllers repo to see the real development now via github.com/MetaMask/controllers

MetaMask encrypted vault paths

src: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/miguelmota/331edaf9ebb68159e574a5c8391dd019/raw/2e1031aaeb3602fc023f6b3a3a7acf325f1e7095/README.md

Examples of how to read encrypted vault keystore paths from Google Chrome extension directory on Windows, macOS, and Linux

Windows (PowerShell)

Get-ChildItem -Recurse "$HOME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\*" | Select-String -Pattern 'vault":"(.*?}.*?)"}' | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach {$_.Matches.groups[1].Value} 

Mac (Bash)

LC_ALL="C" egrep -roa 'vault":"(.*?"})' ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Local\ Extension\ Settings/ | sed -E 's/.*({.*}).*/\1/g' | head -1


Interestingly, I wasn't able to find encrypted vault under these paths:

~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Local\ Extension\ Settings/

Development Builds

yarn build testDev --build-type beta --omit-lockdown

see safari-metamask

Check the wiki in here as well

The MetaMask Build System

tl;dr yarn dist for prod, yarn start for local development

This directory contains the MetaMask build system, which is used to build the MetaMask Extension such that it can be used in a supported browser. From the repository root, the build system entry file is located at ./development/build/index.js.

Several package scripts invoke the build system. For example, yarn start creates a watched development build, and yarn dist creates a production build. Some of these scripts applies lavamoat to the build system, and some do not. For local development, building without lavamoat is faster and therefore preferable.

The build system is not a full-featured CLI, but rather a script that expects some command line arguments and environment variables. For instructions regarding environment variables, see the main repository readme.

Generally speaking, the build system consists of gulp tasks that either manipulate static assets or bundle source files using Browserify. Production-ready zip files are written to the ./builds directory, while "unpacked" extension builds are written to the ./dist directory.

Our JavaScript source files are transformed using Babel, specifically using the babelify Browserify transform. Source file bundling tasks are implemented in the ./development/build/scripts.js.

Locally implemented Browserify transforms, some of which affect how we write JavaScript, are listed and documented here.


Usage: yarn build <entry-task> [options]

  yarn build prod       Create an optimized build for production environments.

  yarn build dev        Create an unoptimized, live-reloaded build for local

  yarn build test       Create an optimized build for running e2e tests.

  yarn build testDev    Create an unoptimized, live-reloaded build for running
                        e2e tests.

  --beta-version      If the build type is "beta", the beta version number.
                                                           [number] [default: 0]
  --build-type        The "type" of build to create. One of: "beta", "main"
                                                      [string] [default: "main"]
  --lint-fence-files  Whether files with code fences should be linted after
                      fences have been removed by the code fencing transform.
                      The build will fail if linting fails.
                      Defaults to `false` if the entry task is `dev` or
                      `testDev`, and `true` otherwise.
                                                   [boolean] [default: <varies>]
  --omit-lockdown     Whether to omit SES lockdown files from the extension
                      bundle. Useful when linking dependencies that are
                      incompatible with lockdown.
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --skip-stats        Whether to refrain from logging build progress. Mostly
                      used internally.
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

Decloaking MetaSwaps

Uncovering the application specific / design choices / practices of the Metamask client and its MetaSwap application/plugins


const METASWAP_ETH_API_HOST = 'https://api.metaswap.codefi.network';

const METASWAP_BSC_API_HOST = 'https://bsc-api.metaswap.codefi.network';

const SWAPS_TESTNET_CHAIN_ID = '0x539';
const SWAPS_TESTNET_HOST = 'https://metaswap-api.airswap-dev.codefi.network';

export const SWAPS_API_V2_BASE_URL = 'https://api2.metaswap.codefi.network';
export const SWAPS_DEV_API_V2_BASE_URL =
export const GAS_API_BASE_URL = 'https://gas-api.metaswap.codefi.network';
export const GAS_DEV_API_BASE_URL =

Metaswap ABI

you can find it here:


resource links for chrome extenstions

assorted values / definitions

// Represents the interval time for which we check for swaps feature liveliness
export const SWAPS_LIVENESS_CHECK_INTERVAL = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 6 hours


from state logs

    "note": "transactions#approveTransaction",
    "op": "add",
    "path": "/txParams/nonce",
    "timestamp": 1629953664600,
    "value": "0x6d"
    "op": "add",
    "path": "/nonceDetails",
    "value": {
      "local": {
        "details": {
          "highest": 109,
          "startPoint": 109
        "name": "local",
        "nonce": 109
      "network": {
        "details": {
          "baseCount": 109,
          "blockNumber": "0xc7dfb2"
        "name": "network",
        "nonce": 109
      "params": {
        "highestLocallyConfirmed": 109,
        "highestSuggested": 109,
        "nextNetworkNonce": 109

specific http headers

MetaMask adds additional fields in HTTP Header requests identifying it as a client for Infura specific connectivity and general RPC providers/Applications. An RPC provider could block any request coming from non metamask applications by enforcing the Origin: chrome-extenstion part of the HTTP header. This can be spoofed obviously.

Infura-Source: metamask/internal
Origin: chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn

unlocking `

Step 1: Create a file environments.plist inside the folder


with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
    /bin/launchctl setenv METAMASK_DEBUG true
  <!--  an example setting:
       /bin/launchctl setenv GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID your_client_id  



app/scripts/controllers/plugins.js 26:const isTest = process.env.IN_TEST === 'true' || process.env.METAMASK_ENV === 'test' fuzzylist

MetaMask Metrics - Collecting data point examples

Custom Network Added

// source: app/scripts/lib/rpc-method-middleware/handlers/add-ethereum-chain.js
      event: 'Custom Network Added',
      category: 'Network',
      referrer: {
        url: origin,
      sensitiveProperties: {
        chain_id: _chainId,
        rpc_url: firstValidRPCUrl,
        network_name: _chainName,
        // Including network to override the default network
        // property included in all events. For RPC type networks
        // the MetaMetrics controller uses the rpcUrl for the network
        // property.
        network: firstValidRPCUrl,
        symbol: ticker,
        block_explorer_url: firstValidBlockExplorerUrl,
        source: 'dapp',


a.k.a Fed's BFF

// Type Imports
 * @typedef {import('../../shared/constants/app').EnvironmentType} EnvironmentType

// Type Declarations
 * Used to attach context of where the user was at in the application when the
 * event was triggered. Also included as full details of the current page in
 * page events.
 * @typedef {Object} MetaMetricsPageObject
 * @property {string} [path] - the path of the current page (e.g /home)
 * @property {string} [title] - the title of the current page (e.g 'home')
 * @property {string} [url] - the fully qualified url of the current page

 * For metamask, this is the dapp that triggered an interaction
 * @typedef {Object} MetaMetricsReferrerObject
 * @property {string} [url] - the origin of the dapp issuing the
 *  notification

 * We attach context to every meta metrics event that help to qualify our
 * analytics. This type has all optional values because it represents a
 * returned object from a method call. Ideally app and userAgent are
 * defined on every event. This is confirmed in the getTrackMetaMetricsEvent
 * function, but still provides the consumer a way to override these values if
 * necessary.
 * @typedef {Object} MetaMetricsContext
 * @property {Object} app
 * @property {string} app.name - the name of the application tracking the event
 * @property {string} app.version - the version of the application
 * @property {string} userAgent - the useragent string of the user
 * @property {MetaMetricsPageObject} [page] - an object representing details of
 *  the current page
 * @property {MetaMetricsReferrerObject} [referrer] - for metamask, this is the
 *  dapp that triggered an interaction

 * @typedef {Object} MetaMetricsEventPayload
 * @property {string}  event - event name to track
 * @property {string}  category - category to associate event to
 * @property {string} [environmentType] - The type of environment this event
 *  occurred in. Defaults to the background process type
 * @property {object}  [properties] - object of custom values to track, keys
 *  in this object must be in snake_case
 * @property {object}  [sensitiveProperties] - Object of sensitive values to
 *  track. Keys in this object must be in snake_case. These properties will be
 *  sent in an additional event that excludes the user's metaMetricsId
 * @property {number}  [revenue] - amount of currency that event creates in
 *  revenue for MetaMask
 * @property {string}  [currency] - ISO 4127 format currency for events with
 *  revenue, defaults to US dollars
 * @property {number}  [value] - Abstract business "value" attributable to
 *  customers who trigger this event
 * @property {MetaMetricsPageObject} [page] - the page/route that the event
 *  occurred on
 * @property {MetaMetricsReferrerObject} [referrer] - the origin of the dapp
 *  that triggered the event

 * @typedef {Object} MetaMetricsEventOptions
 * @property {boolean} [isOptIn] - happened during opt in/out workflow
 * @property {boolean} [flushImmediately] - When true will automatically flush
 *  the segment queue after tracking the event. Recommended if the result of
 *  tracking the event must be known before UI transition or update
 * @property {boolean} [excludeMetaMetricsId] - whether to exclude the user's
 *  metametrics id for anonymity
 * @property {string}  [metaMetricsId] - an override for the metaMetricsId in
 *  the event one is created as part of an asynchronous workflow, such as
 *  awaiting the result of the metametrics opt-in function that generates the
 *  user's metametrics id
 * @property {boolean} [matomoEvent] - is this event a holdover from matomo
 *  that needs further migration? when true, sends the data to a special
 *  segment source that marks the event data as not conforming to our schema

 * Represents the shape of data sent to the segment.track method.
 * @typedef {Object} SegmentEventPayload
 * @property {string} [userId] - The metametrics id for the user
 * @property {string} [anonymousId] - An anonymousId that is used to track
 *  sensitive data while preserving anonymity.
 * @property {string} event - name of the event to track
 * @property {Object} properties - properties to attach to the event
 * @property {MetaMetricsContext} context - the context the event occurred in

 * @typedef {Object} MetaMetricsPagePayload
 * @property {string} name - The name of the page that was viewed
 * @property {Object} [params] - The variadic parts of the page url
 *  example (route: `/asset/:asset`, path: `/asset/ETH`)
 *  params: { asset: 'ETH' }
 * @property {EnvironmentType} environmentType - the environment type that the
 *  page was viewed in
 * @property {MetaMetricsPageObject} [page] - the details of the page
 * @property {MetaMetricsReferrerObject} [referrer] - dapp that triggered the page
 *  view

 * @typedef {Object} MetaMetricsPageOptions
 * @property {boolean} [isOptInPath] - is the current path one of the pages in
 *  the onboarding workflow? If true and participateInMetaMetrics is null track
 *  the page view

// An empty string "" is a, currently undocumented, way of telling mixpanel
// that these events are meant to be anonymous and not identified to any user
export const METAMETRICS_ANONYMOUS_ID = '""';

 * This object is used to identify events that are triggered by the background
 * process.
 * @type {MetaMetricsPageObject}
  path: '/background-process',
  title: 'Background Process',
  url: '/background-process',

 * @typedef {Object} SegmentInterface
 * @property {SegmentEventPayload[]} queue - A queue of events to be sent when
 *  the flushAt limit has been reached, or flushInterval occurs
 * @property {() => void} flush - Immediately flush the queue, resetting it to
 *  an empty array and sending the pending events to Segment
 * @property {(
 *  payload: SegmentEventPayload,
 *  callback: (err?: Error) => void
 * ) => void} track - Track an event with Segment, using the internal batching
 *  mechanism to optimize network requests
 * @property {(payload: Object) => void} page - Track a page view with Segment
 * @property {() => void} identify - Identify an anonymous user. We do not
 *  currently use this method.

Advanced Gas Controls

        'Gas limit must be greater than 20999 and less than 7920027',
        `Gas limit must be greater than 20999 and less than ${MAX_GAS_LIMIT_DEC}`,

Handling Block Reorgs

12 to 1500 blocks

[source commit https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/commit/ebfd21d20a8c8bc13276de051a77c97c1ebf1c89]

  pollLatestBlocks(txId, txMeta) {
    const { confirmTransaction, query, resetTransactionToSubmitted } = this;
    const cnfTransaction = confirmTransaction.bind(this);
    const resetTransaction = resetTransactionToSubmitted.bind(this);
    const intervalId = setInterval(async function () {
      const block = await query.getBlockByNumber('latest', false);
      const blockNumber = new BigNumber(block.number).toNumber();
      const txBlockNumber = new BigNumber(
      const blockDepth = blockNumber - txBlockNumber;
      if (blockDepth >= 12) {
      } else {
        let currentBlock = block;
        for (let i = 0; i <= blockDepth; i++) {
          if (currentBlock.uncles?.includes(txMeta?.txReceipt?.blockHash)) {
          currentBlock = await query.getBlockByHash(block.parentHash, false);
    }, 1500);
  // values 12 and 1500 used above are best guess, they may need to be calibrated to different networks.