chinese Mp3 id3 tag auto-converter

!!!!Important: This script is provided as it is and no responsibilities will be held for any potential damages to your files. Please back up your files before you run the script.

1) Introduction
A very simple python script , based on ID3Tag library and TagEncoder code from  Alastair Tse at

Automaticaly converts chinese id3 tags which are encoded in gb2312 /big5 or others in mp3 files to utf-16 encoded so they can be correctly displayed on MAC, e.g. iTunes.

Every files under the directory and subdirectories will be converted.


3) Usage
(1) back up your mp3 files

(2)run the following command in command line: 
python <directory name>

4) Todo List

automatically calls MusicBrainz API to identify the songs and fill in the tags.