Core Ops Tutorial


Build etcdctl and fleetctl:

go get
go get

Build kubecfg:

git clone
cp ./_output/local/bin/darwin/amd64/kubecfg ~/bin

Google Cloud SDK:

Provisioning CoreOS, etcd, fleet, and flannel

Control Node

gcloud compute instances create control \
--image-project coreos-cloud \
--image coreos-alpha-494-0-0-v20141108 \
--boot-disk-size 200GB \
--machine-type n1-standard-1 \
--can-ip-forward \
--scopes compute-rw \
--metadata-from-file user-data=control.yaml \
--zone us-central1-a

Setup Client SSH Tunnels

gcloud compute instances list


ssh -f -nNT -L 4001: core@<control-external-ip>


ssh -f -nNT -L 8080: core@<control-external-ip>


export FLEETCTL_TUNNEL="<control-external-ip>"

Update configs

sed -i "" -e 's/CONTROL-NODE-INTERNAL-IP/<control-internal-ip>/g' *.{json,yaml,service}

Cluster Configuration


etcdctl --no-sync set / '{"Network":""}'

Worker Nodes

gcloud compute instances create node1 node2 node3 node4 node5 \
--image-project coreos-cloud \
--image coreos-alpha-494-0-0-v20141108 \
--boot-disk-size 200GB \
--machine-type n1-standard-1 \
--can-ip-forward \
--metadata-from-file user-data=node.yaml \
--zone us-central1-a
gcloud compute instances list
fleetctl list-machines

Cross container networking with flannel

View the subnet allocations in etcd

etcdctl --no-sync ls / --recursive

Communicate between two containers

Terminal 1

gcloud compute ssh core@node1
docker run -t -i busybox /bin/sh -c 'ifconfig eth0 && nc -l -p 80'

Terminal 2

gcloud compute ssh core@node2

Replace eth0-ip with the ip address from above.

docker run -t -i busybox /bin/sh -c 'nc <eth0-ip>:80'

Logging with

etcdctl --no-sync set / <token>
fleetctl start journal-2-logentries.service
fleetctl list-units

Sysadmin tools with Toolbox

Terminal 1

gcloud compute ssh core@node1
yum install tcpdump
ip addr show flannel0
tcpdump -i flannel0

Terminal 2

gcloud compute ssh core@node2
ping <node1-flannel0-ip>


Installing Kubernetes with fleet

fleetctl start kube-kubelet.service 
fleetctl start kube-proxy.service
fleetctl start kube-apiserver.service
fleetctl start kube-controller-manager.service
fleetctl start kube-scheduler.service
fleetctl start kube-register.service
fleetctl list-units
kubecfg list minions

Deploying applications

Creating a replicationController

cat hello-stable-controller.json
kubecfg -c hello-stable-controller.json create replicationControllers
kubecfg list replicationControllers
kubecfg list pods

Horizontally scaling pods

Edit: hello-stable-controller.json

"replicas": 4

Update the replication controller

kubecfg -c hello-stable-controller.json update replicationControllers/helloStableController
kubecfg list pods

Creating and managing services

cat hello-service.json
kubecfg -c hello-service.json create services
gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-hello --allow tcp:80
gcloud compute instances list

Rolling Updates

Send the Canary

cat hello-canary-controller.json 
kubecfg -c hello-canary-controller.json create replicationControllers
kubecfg list pods
gcloud compute instances list
while true; do curl http://<node-external-ip>; echo; sleep 2; done

Rolling Update

Terminal 1

while true; do curl http://<node-external-ip>; echo; sleep 2; done

Terminal 2

kubecfg --image "" rollingupdate helloStableController

Terminal 3

watch kubecfg list pods