
Code and commands showing various useful things.

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Windows OS
    1. Conda working inside of Git Bash terminal. Allows Linux command line like interface with access to Python.
      • Type this command into Git Bash echo ". C:\Users\ldalan\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\etc\profile.d\conda.sh" >> ~/.profile
        • Might be /C/Users/ldalan/AppData/Local/Continuum/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh instead?
        • This path is dependent on which version of Conda was installed etc. Basically find where the etc/profile.d/conda.sh is located.
        • Possible way of finding the location is:
          • Type in conda info --envs to Git Bash
          • Possible output:
            # conda environments:
            base                  *  C:\Users\ldalan\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3
          • Then add the etc/profile.d/conda.sh to find the conda location.
      • The above command will give access to Conda for newly created Git Bash terminals.
      • Close and reopen the Git Bash terminal for the change to take affect.
        • Type conda into the Git Bash terminal to check if it worked
    2. Run Python from shell script like documents. Allows you to run Python scripts from a linux like script.
      • See above to get Conda working in Git Bash
      • In shell script (.sh) create and use variables:
        source ${CONDA_PATH}
        conda activate $CONDA_ENV