
Animating vertical and horizontal scrolling. Inspired by rigor789/vue-scrollto and uses some of its code and functionality!!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Animating vertical and horizontal scrolling


npm install --save-dev svelte-scrollto
# or
yarn add -D svelte-scrollto


  import * as animateScroll from "svelte-scrollto";

<a on:click={() => animateScroll.scrollToBottom()}> Scroll to bottom </a>
<a on:click={() => animateScroll.scrollToTop()}> Scroll to top </a>
<a on:click={() => animateScroll.scrollTo({element: 'scroll-to-element-selector'})}> Scroll to element </a>
<a on:click={() => animateScroll.scrollTo({element: 'scroll-to-element-selector', offset: 200})}> Scroll to below element 200px </a>
<a on:click={() => animateScroll.scrollTo({element: 'scroll-to-element-selector', duration: 2000})}> Scroll to element over 2000ms </a>

Using as a action

  import { scrollto } from "svelte-scrollto";
<!-- Parameter is element selector or options -->
<a use:scrollto={'#scroll-element'}> Scroll to element </a>


Global Options

Option Required Default value Description
container "body" Scroll container
duration 500 The duration (in milliseconds) of the scrolling animation.
delay 0
offset 0 The offset that should be applied when scrolling. This option accepts a callback function
easing cubicInOut The easing function to be used when animating. Can pass any easing from svelte/easing or pass custom easing function.
onStart noop A callback function that should be called when scrolling has started. Receives the target element and page offset as a parameter.
onDone noop A callback function that should be called when scrolling has ended. Receives the target element and page offset as a parameter.
onAborting noop A callback function that should be called when scrolling has been aborted by the user (user scrolled, clicked etc.). Receives the target element and page offset as parameters.
scrollX false Whether or not we want scrolling on the x axis
scrollY true Whether or not we want scrolling on the y axis

Override global options:

import * as animateScroll from "svelte-scrollto";

	offset: 200,
	onStart: (element, offset) => {
		if(element) {
			console.log("Start scrolling to element:", element);
		} else if(offset) {
			console.log("Start scrolling to page offset: (${offset.x}, ${offset.y})");



Accepts all global options and:

  • element: The element you want scroll to
  • x: The offset we want to scrolling on the x axis
  • y: The offset we want to scrolling on the y axis


Shortcut of use scrollTo with x equal to 0.


Shortcut of use scrollTo with x equal to containerHeight


Svelte action that listens for click (touchstart) events and scrolls to elements with animation.

  • scrollto

  • scrolltotop

  • scrolltobottom


If you want to use Lazy and want to scroll to elements, you need to give your lazy components (images, v.v..) fixed dimensions, so the browser known the size of the not loaded elements before scrolling.