Pinned issues
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⚠️ Recommending LangGraph Platform for new projects
#791 opened by eyurtsev - 8
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Playground displays blank page for ChatBedrock based chain with configurable_filed temperature
#804 opened by bbiletskyy - 2
from httpx._types import AuthTypes, CertTypes, CookieTypes, HeaderTypes, VerifyTypes ImportError: cannot import name 'VerifyTypes' from 'httpx._types' (/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/
#799 opened by maryam123errami - 1
playground: ai message should not be aditable
#795 opened by pawelru - 1
bug in APIHandler _rename_pydantic_model
#797 opened by Hacky-DH - 41
Memory leak in LangServe
#717 opened by lukasugar - 1
Handle long running LangGraphs in Langserve (500 seconds -1000 seconds)
#781 opened by saurabhlalsaxena - 2
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Input type with `Optional` field breaks Playground
#782 opened by jmaness - 0
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Bind Tools to Remote Runnables
#780 opened by KokashMo - 3
The agent does not use tool to make response?
#766 opened by Jimmy-L99 - 0
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Question: Is there a way to reset history on page reload in the LangServe Chat Playground?
#778 opened by 1vash - 2
LangServe Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128)
#689 opened by lucapqg - 4
Support for stream_events v2
#724 opened by matined - 2
How do I use create_react_agent in langServe?
#759 opened by Jimmy-L99 - 1
Questions about LangServe hosting license
#730 opened by SokichiFujita - 1
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How to use langgserve with django apis?
#739 opened by Vaishnavi21721 - 1
No run_id found for the given run.
#723 opened by klwilson227 - 1
langchain serve using different folder
#727 opened by SoulEvill - 0
"correction" field isn't passed from the "token_feedback" endpoint to the Langsmith "/feedback/tokens/" API
#735 opened by mobiware - 4
trying to set up a LangServe application with RunnableWithMessageHistory and a chat playground
#732 opened by DeeraDigiSpoc - 0
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Value not declarable with JSON Schema (Pydantic V2)
#690 opened by JP-Ellis - 1
I have the same issue,The problem seems due to the ContextualCompressionRetriever,It outputs some info cannot be serialized.
#726 opened by hpx502766238 - 2
Pass authentication token to RemoteRunnable
#709 opened by krlng - 2
RuntimeError calling add_routes with chains that have input types in Pydantic v2
#725 opened by codekiln - 2
Langserve Playground does not put out any text response when in chat mode (but it does when in default mode)
#719 opened by joebah-joe - 4
Bug: TypeError: Type is not JSON serializable: Send
#721 opened by gcalabria - 1
Scaling to production -> OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files socket.accept() out of system resource
#714 opened by lukasugar - 0
Langserve :there is a conflict between langchain-cli and fastapi-cli on the version of typer.
#720 opened by PG13OKC - 0
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Issue with Integrating NeMo Guardrails with LangChain and LangServe for Chatbot
#706 opened by AnkurVera464221 - 2
Running background tasks
#696 opened by Sara2823 - 1
Dependency Conflicts.
#681 opened by bot66 - 0
`InvokeRequestShallowValidator` prevents LangGraph continuing execution after interrupt
#702 opened by riyavsinha - 1
Default `extra_body` configuration lost when generating API documentation, use api also have this behavior
#698 opened by xiaojinwhu - 0
Issue: custom metadata sent to `RemoteRunnable(...).with_config(metadata={...}).{invoke,stream,etc}()` is not provided to the runnable in langserve.api_handler.APIHandler._get_config_and_input
#694 opened by codekiln - 1
Langserve configurable does not set/update the ConfigurableField variables that is given by per_req_config_modifier
#693 opened by quadcube - 1
Can't deploy on railway because of langserve
#685 opened by ikergalarza - 0
How can the client record historical messages without calling the LangChain environment
#687 opened by Ricardo-yyz - 0
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How to share conversation from chat playground?
#677 opened by lukasugar