
Overview of the BabyView camera

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About the BabyView

The BabyView camera is designed to collect high-resolution, at-home egocentric video data from children 9 - 30 months of age. The camera consists of a rotated GoPro Black Bones camera attached to a lightweight baby safety helmet using a custom 3D printed mount and attached to a rechargeable 9V battery. The BabyView camera was designed in collaboration with Daylight, Inc., a product-design firm in San Francisco, CA, and and is the result of more than a year of prototyping.


All design documentation, safety testing protocols, assembly instructions, pilot data, data management protocols, and sample participant instructions can be found at https://osf.io/kwvxu/.


Contact and Acknowledgements


Bria Long1, Sarah Goodin2, George Kachergis1, Virginia A. Marchman1, Samaher Radwan1, Violet Xiang1, Chengxu Zhuang1, Oliver Hsu2, Brett Newman2, Daniel L. K. Yamins1,3, Michael C. Frank 1

1 Department of Psychology, Stanford University 2 Daylight Design 3 Department of Computer Science, Stanford University

Research and development of the BabyView was supported by a generous gift from The Schmidt Futures Foundation (https://www.schmidtfutures.com/).

For more information, contact Michael Frank.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. It can be shared and adapted, but you must acknowledge the original by citing the paper above.