Variability and Consistency in Early Language Learning: The Wordbank Project

Michael Frank, Mika Braginsky, Virginia Marchman, and Daniel Yurovsky

An examination of early language development across languages, using parent reports through the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory and its adaptations.

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Building the book

  • Install R, RStudio, and a LaTeX distribution (e.g. MacTeX).

  • Clone this repository.

  • Open the project wordbank-book.proj in RStudio.

  • Install all R packages listed under Imports in the DESCRIPTION file using install.packages().

  • Install all R packages listed under Remotes in the DESCRIPTION file using devtools::install_packages().

  • Add the fonts in the fonts/ directory to your system (e.g. copy them to Font Book on OSX).

  • Run extrafont::font_import("fonts") and then extrafont::loadfonts().

  • Under the RStudio Build menu click on Build Book (select bookdown::gitbook to build only the html version or bookdown::pdf_book to build only the pdf version).