
Proconsul: Console Access for the Provinces

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Proconsul: Console Access for the Provinces

Proconsul is a tool for providing web-based access to Windows RDP sessions. It was designed to address a constellation of issues identified at Duke University, some as part of routine security reviews, and some as part of development efforts associated with a grant from the National Science Foundation (cf. the Acknolwedgments file in this directory). The key issues Proconsul was designed to address include:

  • Zero-install RDP client access. Research collaborators who may need remote access to Windows workstations may not have nor want to install traditional RDP clients on their systems, and in some cases, may not have access to RDP clients nor the rights necessary to install them on their systems. Proconsul provides a web-based interface for establishing RDP sessions with configured Windows systems that requires nothing but an HTML5-capable web browser.

  • Federated RDP client access. Traditional federated SSO using SAML (for instance, through the US InCommon federation) depends on the use of a web browser. Traditional RDP clients are not equipped to support typical browser-based federated authentication processes, but research collaborators at federation partner sites frequently require access to Windows hosts at remote sites. Proconsul provides a means to support federated access to remote desktop sessions by embedding RDP access in a browser window, and by managing the mapping of federated users onto dynamically-managed domain users at the target site.

  • RDP client access in restricted environments. Research artifacts of a sensitive nature may be required to remain within tightly-controlled network environments. Proconsul supports the use of RDP gateways, and acts as a concentration point for incoming RDP connections, allowing an RDP gateway within a secured network to be accessed only from designated Proconsul concentrators outside the secured network, reducing the number and complexity of firewall rules required to enable authorized access.

  • Reduction of Windows attack surfaces. Numerous successful Active Directory domain compromises at R-1 institutions in the US in recent years have been traced back to a small number of APTs using similar attack vectors and similar MOs. Proconsul provides a means to reduce the attack surfaces used by these APTs by:

    • Reducing the lifetime/viability of both unprivileged and privileged credentials. When using Proconsul, both the username and password used to access the target Windows system are created at the time a session is initiated using random strings. Credentials are automatically destroyed at the termination of the user's Windows session, rendering them inert for purposes of later abuse. If no Proconsul users are actively using domain admin privileges, no user-accessible domain admin accounts need exist in the AD.

    • Reducing the phishability of privileged AD credentials. Since users of Proconsul are not aware of the credentials their sessions are using, and since Proconsul controls the privileges (group memberships) assigned to those sessions as a function of explicit privileges granted to specific federated users by Proconsul itself, Proconsul users cannot act as vectors for inadvertent disclosure of credentials.

    • Injecting non-Windows systems into traditionally Windows-only operations. A number of successful APT compromises have taken advantage of various Windows vulnerabilities on administrators' client workstations in order to acquire NTLM or NTLMv2 hashes of privileged credentials, and of the Windows "pass the hash" mechanism to apply credential hashes sniffed from memory on vulnerable client system to remote operations on domain controllers, etc. Proconsul replaces typical Widnows client -> Windows server connections with web browser -> Linux server -> Windows server connections, making this classic attack vector much more difficult to use. Attackers must compromise the Linux-based Proconsul server in order to acces any privileged AD credentials. Experience has shown that Linux servers can be more easily made resistent to this form of compromise than Windows workstations.

    • Enabling the use of federation authentication mechanisms, including multifactor mechanisms, to strengthen the authentication process. Since Proconsul is a web-based application, it can partake of the full set of capabilities avaialble to federated relying parties, including various commercial and open source multifactor solutions. While Windows itself can take advantage of multifactor authentication, implementing multifactor authentication within an Active Directory can be expensive and difficult compared to implementing multifactor authentication at a SAML IDP.


Proconsul consists of four separate components:

- The proconsul application itself -- a Spring-based Java web application.  Typically, Proconsul will be run in a Java container such as Tomcat or Jetty.  No specific
  container is provided with the software.  Development was done using a 1.7 OpenJDK JVM and Tomcat version 7, but any reasonably recent Java hosting environment should 
  suffice.  Because we use Shibboleth for SAML authentication for the application, we run Tomcat behind an Apache server, which in turn is integrated with a Shibboleth SP.
  The application's souce code can be found in the "app" directory.

- noVNC -- an HTML5 and JavaScript implementation of the VNC client.  noVNC is used to enable a browser client to interact with a VNC session running on the Proconsul
  server and hosting a Windows RDP session.  A customized version of the original noVNC code with minor adjustments to provide a somewhat better end-user experience 
  is included in the "novnc" directory.

- A custom RDP client built as a Docker container.  The Proconsul server must support Docker.io's Linux container mechanism, and must be running a Docker server.  The
  Proconsul application starts an instance of the RDP client Docker container for each active user session.  Source for building your own RDP client container (complete 
  with the source distribution of the FreeRDP client) is included in the "rdpstack-docker" directory.

- A custom docker-gen configuration.  As an adjunct to basic privilege separation, the RDP client Docker container does not have sufficient privileges to modify its 
  own entries in the proconsul database, nor does it carry any privileged AD credentials other than those it uses to establish user sessions with remote systems.  This 
  means that the container itself cannot address clean-up of accounts and database artifacts associated with it when its user session terminates.  For this, a custom 
  docker-gen installation is used.  Docker-gen listens for updates from the running Docker server and performs clean-up functions for sessions upon termination of their
  associated Docker containers.  Docker-gen and the required custom configuration and scripts are included in the "docker-gen" directory.


Full documentation for the installation of Proconsul at a new site has yet to be developed, but at a very high level, the process involves a few basic steps:

(1) Establish a Java container server for the environment and build and deploy the Proconsul application on the server. Proconsul assumes that user authentication is being performed by the container or something logically "in front of" it. The source code does not handle end-user authentication, and simply expects a user identifier to be available as part of the HTTP request it receives.

(2) Build and deploy the RDP client Docker container on your server, and edit the proconsul.properties configuration file for your container and your AD domain environment.

(3) Build and deploy docker-gen along with the custom docker-gen configuration included herein on your server.

(4) Run the "proconsul.db.schema' SQL script on your MySQL server or (if you prefer to use another database provider) configure databases and tables according that that schema in your preferred database environment, and configure Proconsul to find the appropriate database.

(5) Configure your AD with the groups, OUs, and users required by Proconsul. For the moment, the best way to determine what those are is to review the Proconsul source code, or contact the authors for more information.

(6) Configure the Proconsul datbase with explicit user->host, user->orgUnit, user->group, group->host, grou->orgUnit, and group->group mappings in its various tables. An administrative UI is in the design phase currently for Proconsul's database that will afford a much easier mechanism for managing the applications somewhat complex authorization mechanisms. Until that is released, configuration can still be accomplished through direct modification of Proconsul's SQL tables.


Proconsul is provided as-is under the MIT License. No warranty is expressed or implied for any purpose. Some components of the software were developed with funding from the national Science Foundation -- see the Acknoledgements files in the various directories for details. Some parts of the sofware are Copyright 2016 Duke University and are distributed under the MIT License. Other components are included from other projects and are copyright their original authors and included under their original licenses.

No explicit support is offered for Proconsul, but Proconsul is in use at Duke University for a variety of purposes, and the software remains under active development. We're interested to know if you find Proconsul useful, and will gladly accept bug reports as well as feature requests (although no guarantee can be made as to responsiveness at this time, as grant funding for the project runs out in August 2016).

For questions and to report bugs, contact the author directly at the address robduke.edu .