

Primary LanguageJava

This is the initial release of the OpenSPML 2.0 Toolkit v1.0.

First, a big "welcome" from Sun Microsystems, Inc., and Tripod Technology Group, Inc.,
as well as the other contributors.

The tgz file, once unbundled, creates the following directories and files.

lib - These are the toolkit library and the examples library.

tools - contains libs that the toolkit uses.

src/java - These are the java sources

docs/ToolkitOverview.html - This gives a quick look at the toolkit.

docs/CorePSPExample.html - This gives an overview of the example provider implementation.

docs/apis - This is the Javadoc for the toolkit.

OPENSPML_V2_TOOLKIT.LICENSE - The license for this distribution.

NOTICE - A notice about the libraries that are redistributed here.

README.txt - This file.