Video Intelligence WIP

Some tools for assessing various video intelligence platforms.

Thumbnail Generation Endpoint

Running make develop and visiting

will display a montage of thumbnails from the chosen video, spaced at 1 second intervals, between the start and end parameters (offsets in seconds).

JSON -> HTML Conversion

A Prolog webserver that accepts POST requests of JSON data, and translates them into an HTML representation.

  • JSON objects are represented by HTML unordered lists
    • Object keys appear in italics
    • Object values appear as an indented unordered list item
  • JSON lists are represented by HTML ordered lists
  • Any object value or list item that is a string beginning with http will be represented as a link.


[1, 2, 3]
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
  • a
    • 1
  • b
    • 2
  • c
    • 3
["a", ["b", ["c"]]]
  1. a
    1. b
      1. c
{"a": {"b": {"c": "d"}}}
  • a
    • b
      • c
        • d
[{"a": "b"}]
    • a
      • b
{"a": ["b"]}
  • a
      1. b
{"a": [1, {"a": 1}]}
  • a
      1. 1
        • a
          • 1
[1, {"a": [1]}]
  1. 1
    • a
        1. 1
["http://list_item_link", {"key": "http://object_value_item_link"}]
  1. http://list_item_link