Persistent storage for Angular
Tries localstorage first, then IE's persistent storage and if all fails: cookies.
bower install --save angular-storage
var Store = require('path/to/Store.js');
Store strings:
Store.set('key1', 'hello world');
var result = Store.get('key1');
Store string for 2 hours:
Store.set('key1', 'hello world', 2);
var result = Store.get('key1');
Store objects: (objects get stringified)
Store.set('key2', { name: 'havelaer' });
var result = Store.get('key2');
For the IE fallback, don't forget to include the following:
In the <head>
<style type="text/css"> .storeuserData { behavior: url(#default#userData); } </style>
And in the <body>
<form id="oPersistForm" style="display: none;"><input class="storeuserData" type="hidden" id="oPersistInput"></form>