##doMenu Specialized version of Nestable plugin, for back-end hierahical menu creation.
Are you having any suggestions, awesome ideas, or just would like to share what you think? Leave Feedback!
Help us reach ★ 80 and get applied to the Javascripting family!
##Quick Overiew
- Demo
- Showcase
- Quick API Reference
- Options
- Tokens (beta)
- Attributes
- New Features in v0.24.53
- Migrating from v0.13.29 to v0.24.53
- License & Credits
One of the upcoming themes for doMenu.
Access the public plugin (pPlugin) API with $('#your-domenu-instance').domenu()
array getLists([params])
string parseJson(string data[, bool override = false])
string toJson()
pPlugin expandAll()
pPlugin collapseAll()
pPlugin expand([function callback([item])])
pPlugin collapse([function callback([item])])
array getListNodes()
pPlugin onParseJson(callback)
pPlugin onToJson(callback)
pPlugin onSaveEditBoxInput(callback)
pPlugin onItemDrag(callback)
pPlugin onItemDrop(callback)
pPlugin onItemAdded(callback)
pPlugin onItemRemoved(callback)
pPlugin onItemStartEdit(callback)
pPlugin onItemEndEdit(callback)
pPlugin onItemAddChildItem(callback)
object getPluginOptions()
// Selectors used in your HTML blueprint template
listNodeName: 'ol',
itemNodeName: 'li',
rootClass: 'dd',
listClass: 'dd-list',
itemClass: 'dd-item',
itemBlueprintClass: 'dd-item-blueprint',
dragClass: 'dd-dragel',
handleClass: 'dd-handle',
collapsedClass: 'dd-collapsed',
placeClass: 'dd-placeholder',
noDragClass: 'dd-nodrag',
emptyClass: 'dd-empty',
contentClass: 'dd3-content',
itemAddBtnClass: 'item-add',
removeBtnClass: 'item-remove',
endEditBtnClass: 'end-edit',
addBtnClass: 'dd-new-item',
editBoxClass: 'dd-edit-box',
inputSelector: 'input, select, textarea',
// If you need add button to be outside the default doMenu DOM, use a global add button selector
addBtnSelector: '',
expandBtnHTML: '<button data-action="expand" type="button">+</button>',
collapseBtnHTML: '<button data-action="collapse" type="button">-</button>',
// The JSON data to build a menu list with, see toJson()
data: '',
slideAnimationDuration: 0,
group: 0,
// Amount of parents(=an item containg a child) an item can contain
maxDepth: 20,
// Treshold for snapping when dragging an item
threshold: 20,
// Amount of ms to wait on a confirmation(=second click) from an user to remove an item
refuseConfirmDelay: 2000,
// Bags for event handlers
onToJson: [],
onParseJson: [],
onDomenuInitialized: [],
onSaveEditBoxInput: [],
onItemDrag: [],
onItemAddChildItem: [],
onItemDrop: [],
onItemAdded: [],
onItemExpand: [],
onItemCollapse: [],
onItemRemoved: [],
onItemStartEdit: [],
onItemEndEdit: []
Tokens (beta) request a token
Use tokens inside of your data-placeholder
and data-default-value
attributes of your input
. E.g.
<input type="text" name="title" placeholder="Item" data-placeholder="Item {?numeric.increment}" data-default-value="Item {?numeric.increment}">
current date in gregorian DMY format{?date.mysql-datetime}
valid MySQL datetime format{?numeric.increment}
increments itself and outputs a number{?value}
current value of the input
works like theplaceholder
attribute but has a higher priority and supportsTokens
the value of this attribute will be used bytoJson
as a defaultvalue
when no user suppliedvalue
is present
- List-item controls (add and remove)
- Confirm removing a list-item
- Global add new list-item button selector (see addBtnSelector option)
- Parent adds a child event (see onItemAddChildItem option)
- End edit by pressing the pencil icon (default) (see endEditBtnClass option)
- Pseudo-randomness generation improvements
- Fix custom field value retain #5
- Fix item duplication in JSON output #4
- Fix autofill inputs see #3
- Dynamic inputs – you can add your own
fields of any kind; doMenu will handle them all - Tokens and new supported attributes for
- Lazy event bindings – higher performance
- Lots of new event listeners and few new options as well as few new methods e.g.
- Source code improvements for developers
for more technical information see the dev branch...
Your blueprint html template will need customization (see comments in the index.html file)
For information about migrating from earlier versions see the corresponding branch
Copyright © 2015 Mateusz Zawartka | BSD & MIT license
Built upon Nestable from David Bushell