
Training materials for the MODFLOW 6 and FloPy workshop offered at the 2024 Modflow and More Conference at Princeton University


MODFLOW 6 and FloPy: Take Your Modeling Skills to the Next Level

Training materials for the MODFLOW 6 and FloPy workshop offered at the 2024 Modflow and More Conference at Princeton University.

Presentations from the workshop are available as a GitHub Release, and can be accessed here.

Location and Dates

  • Princeton University
  • Computer Science Building 105
  • May 31 - June 1, 2024

Course Description

MODFLOW 6 is the current version of MODFLOW released and supported by the USGS. The program is under active development by the short course instructors and the broader hydrologic community. This short course introduces participants to MODFLOW 6 and its growing simulation capabilities. For each topic included in the short course, there will be a short lecture on the underlying concepts and implementation followed by a live demonstration. Live demonstrations will use the Python language, Jupyter Notebooks, and the FloPy Package to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW 6 simulations.

The following topics will be covered during the short course.

  • Getting started with MODFLOW 6 and FloPy
  • XT3D multi-point flux approximation for modeling aquifers with full three-dimensional anisotropy
  • Structured and unstructured discretization strategies (quadtree, triangular, and voronoi meshes, and local grid refinement)
  • Advanced packages (Multi-Aquifer Well, Streamflow Routing, Lake, Unsaturated Zone Flow, Water Mover, and Compaction and SUBsidence)
  • Constant and variable-density flow and solute transport
  • Introduction to the new Groundwater Energy (GWE) Model for MODFLOW 6
  • Introduction to the new Particle Tracking (PRT) Model for MODFLOW 6
  • Setting up and running parallel MODFLOW 6 simulations on laptops, desktops, and supercomputers
  • Using the MODFLOW Application Programming Interface (API) to couple with other models, create custom MODFLOW packages, and control MODFLOW during a simulation

Intended Audience

This course is suited for groundwater modelers interested in learning about the USGS version of MODFLOW, its newer capabilities, and how to use FloPy to create and run simulations. For attendees wanting to run live demonstrations, instructions for installing the required software on a laptop computer (Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems will be supported) are provided here. No previous experience with FloPy or Python is required, however, participants without any Python experience may benefit from additional preparation prior to the class.


  • Chris Langevin, US Geological Survey
  • Joe Hughes, US Geological Survey
  • Alden Provost, US Geological Survey
  • Martijn Russcher, Deltares
  • Sorab Panday, GSI Environmental
  • Eric Morway, US Geological Survey
  • Josh Larsen, US Geological Survey
  • Wes Bonelli, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  • Michael Reno, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research


The following agenda is based on a start time each morning of 8:00 AM and an ending time each day of 5:00 PM.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Time Topic Lead
8:00 AM Introductions and Overview Langevin
8:45 AM First FloPy Model Hughes
10:00 AM Mesh generation with FloPy Larsen
10:45 AM BREAK
11:15 AM XT3D Provost
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:15 PM Solute and Heat Transport Morway/Panday
3:00 PM Advanced Packages Hughes/Morway

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Time Topic Lead
8:00 AM Variable density flow Langevin/Panday/Morway
9:00 AM Particle Tracking in MODFLOW 6 Bonelli/Provost
10:00 AM Parallel MODFLOW Russcher
10:30 AM BREAK
10:45 AM Parallel MODFLOW (cont) Russcher/Hughes/Larsen
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:15 PM MODFLOW API Hughes/Russcher/Larsen
3:00 PM MODFLOW API (cont) Hughes/Russcher/Larsen
4:00 PM NetCDF Reno
4:30 PM Future Directions and Wrapup All


This workshop consists of jupyter notebooks that use FloPy to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW models. In order for workshop attendees to follow along and run the notebooks, software must be installed prior to the workshop. Click here for software installation instructions.


If the software installation failed, it may be possible to run the jupyter notebooks using mybinder.org. Click the button below to start an online version of the jupyter notebooks.


MODFLOW and More 2024

This workshop is part of the MODFLOW and More Conference.
