
Front-end of chat app based on Conversejs


Front-end of chat app based on Conversejs

I. How to dev

  • Run make front and start to dev on src file. The page will reload after each change you made. The app will init on `src/langex/index.js build file.

  • Run make bimage to fully build docker image.

  • To check whether it works when integrating outside.

cd usage-sample
docker compose up 

Then open index.html with liveserver extension.

1. Prerequisite

1.1. Enable service discovering in XMPP server

Browser environment needs to know where is the xmpp server, to do that, you must execute this command in side lec-chatgw service container.


1.2. Enable TTS at the local environment

The app try to simulate what is going on on the product environment, so it is set with local certificate to enable tts at local env.

You must accept local certificate in your browser before developing the app.

2. Depend on which feature to def

2.1. Onboard message

To receive the chatbot msg, it is needed to produce kafka messages which inform chatbot that there is a new user visiting the app.

cd mock
python producer.py

II. Deploying

  • Run make langex to build langex build file used for deploy.
  • SSH to copy ./dist folder and ./nginx folder onto deploy environment.
  • Build docker file and run.


[ ] Remove unneccessary file from converse:

  • Unneccessary plugins.
  • Sufficient build files.