
Crypt4GH standard implementation

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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File structure


Current version of specs can be found here.

Maven Installation

To include this library to your Maven project add following to the pom.xml:






Console Installation

To install console app you can use the following script (assuming you are using bash):

PREFIX=/usr/local/bin && \
sudo curl -L "https://github.com/uio-bmi/crypt4gh/releases/download/v2.4.1/crypt4gh.jar" -o "$PREFIX/crypt4gh.jar" && \
echo -e '#!/usr/bin/env bash\njava -jar' "$PREFIX/crypt4gh.jar" '$@' | sudo tee "$PREFIX/crypt4gh" > /dev/null && \
sudo chmod +x "$PREFIX/crypt4gh"


$ crypt4gh 
usage: crypt4gh [-d <arg> | -e <arg> | -g <arg> | -h | -v]    [-kf <arg>]
       [-kp <arg>] [-pk <arg>] [-sk <arg>]

Crypt4GH encryption/decryption tool

 -d,--decrypt <arg>    decrypt the file (specify file to decrypt)
 -e,--encrypt <arg>    encrypt the file (specify file to encrypt)
 -g,--generate <arg>   generate key pair (specify desired key name)
 -h,--help             print this message
 -kf,--keyform <arg>   key format to use for generated keys (OpenSSL or
 -kp,--keypass <arg>   password for Crypt4GH private key (will be prompted
                       afterwords if skipped)
 -pk,--pubkey <arg>    public key to use (specify key file)
 -sk,--seckey <arg>    secret key to use (specify key file)
 -v,--version          print application's version

Read more about the format at